Some people are happy and some people are disappointed.

This time, it was no longer just the eunuch group that was disappointed.

He Jin, who is a relative group, is also disappointed.

The defeat of Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun in the battle was nothing.

Although the Yellow Turbans are powerful.

But now an [-]-year-old Yingchuan Chen Peng has repeatedly made fantastic plans to break through Youzhou and Jizhou Yellow Turban thieves one after another.

And beheaded the most important three of the Yellow Turbans 3.

Isn't this a slap in the face of He Jin? The last time Guo Xun, the governor of Youzhou, and the prefect, Liu Wei, died, he slapped Zhang Rang and others from the eunuch group.

But this time, he slapped He Jin in the face of the foreign relatives group.

The happiest people in the DPRK are undoubtedly the gentry group.

Because Chen Peng came from the Chen clan in Yingchuan, and he was a nobility himself.

"Send a quick copy of this great victory to every state and county, and pass it on to the military.


Liu Hong said happily.

Except...the nobles are excited.

The happiest person is Liu Hong.

After going to the place where he was worried, Liu Hong thought of his gentle hometown again.

"That's it for today, retreat!"

After speaking, Liu Hong impatiently stood up and ran to the rear of the hall.

Zhang Rang and the others followed Liu Hong to the rear of the palace...

Liu Hong's harem is very large.

As far as the Eastern Han Dynasty was concerned, Liu Hong was considered the most ignorant emperor, and he was also extremely lecherous.

There are some rumors that the maids in Liu Hong's harem are basically not allowed to wear anything in their skirts.

As long as it is... convenient, when Liu Hong is interested, he can directly raise his gun and mount it.

Although it is not so exaggerated in fact, Liu Hong's harem life is indeed very chaotic.

Liu Hong's harem has a huge enclosed courtyard.

In the courtyard all day long, there are beautiful girls without an inch of strands, and there is a pool full of drinks.

And Liu Hong is also here to hangover with many beautiful girls day and night here.

And Liu Hong also specially arranged some little eunuchs here to pretend to be crowing.

In this way, how many hours have elapsed outside the time when he was playing until dawn.

If it wasn't for such debauchery, I'm afraid Liu Hong wouldn't be able to die at the age of 3030 in his early thirties.

After coming to the harem, Liu Hong walked directly towards his wine pond and meat forest.

Zhang Rang and the others followed behind Liu Hong.

When she heard that Liu Hong came to the harem, Empress He hurriedly moved towards Liu Hong to intercept him.

But she was still a step too late.

By the time she came here, Liu Hong had already entered the wine pond and the meat forest.

Empress He, who was wearing a long skirt like a peach blossom, was very angry.

"For a few months, if you don't come to the harem, just get in here as soon as you come, and don't even look at me!"

Queen He, who had returned to the bedroom, sat in front of the dressing table and said angrily.

There is only one man like Liu Hong in this palace.

And countless women want to wait for Liu Hong's "favor"

Although Empress He is the empress.

But it is not always possible to see Liu Hong.

Especially when the Yellow Turbans broke out, Liu Hong was less likely to come to the harem.

Now that Empress He has not seen Liu Hong for more than two months, how can she endure the loneliness, but Empress He has no choice. Who made this harem only a man like Liu Hong...

Chen Peng's deeds spread quickly.

This is Luoyang, the center of the whole world, and the speed of information dissemination is already fast.

In addition to Liu Hong's intentional publicity, the news spread like wildfire.

In the residence of Taifu Yuan Hui, Yuan Hui found Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao.

The two are the youngest generation of the Yuan family, and they are about the same age as Chen Peng, so if you want to contact Chen Peng, you have to make a fuss about Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao.

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