"Highway, at the beginning, have you heard about Chen Yunqing in Yingchuan?"

Yuan Hui looked at Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao and said.

Yuan Shu nodded and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Uncle, if I had known this earlier, I would not have left the post of Captain Changshui. In this case, Chen Peng is my subordinate, and the credit is not mine."

Yuan Shu said regretfully in his heart.



Yuan Wei glared at Yuan Shu: "Then Lu Zhi has not taken Chen Peng's credit, you can't see any clues from this matter. With Lu Zhili's support, what can you do even if you are the captain of Changshui.


"Besides, things have already passed, so there is no need to do any useless work. What we need to do now is to befriend Chen Peng!"

Yuan Wei said.

"Befriend him"

Yuan Shu frowned again: "Uncle, Chen Peng, you just made some credits, and you need our Yuan family to turn around and meet each other."

Yuan Shao on the side didn't say a word, but he already despised Yuan Shu enough in his heart.

Yuan Wei shook his head: "It's not a matter of crossing over, and what will happen to the world in the future, Chen Peng's position as Colonel Commander, and he has military power in the capital, this is the reason.


"Although our Yuan clan seems to be powerful, we have no soldiers in our hands, and we cannot compare to that Tu Jiazi, eunuchs and others.


When he said this, Yuan Wei looked at Yuan Shao again: "I asked you to suggest that Tu Jiazi recruit Dong Zhuo to join the capital to consolidate his military power. You can tell that Tu Jiazi."

Yuan Shao nodded: "Reporting to my uncle, I told that Tu Jiazi before, but he was still a little hesitant.


Yuan Wei squinted his eyes after hearing this: "Perhaps this time Chen's family has gained a better chance, so when Chen Peng enters Luoyang, he will definitely not refuse when you suggest taking Tu Jiazi.


Yuan Shao nodded after hearing this.

The reason why Yuan Wei suggested that Dong Zhuo lead his troops to Beijing to consolidate his military power.

That's because Dong Zhuo was actually a disciple of the Yuan family.

It's just that He Jin didn't know about it, only the Yuan family knew it.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 067, Yingchuan has many talents, Guo Jia, Xun??, Xi Zhicai! (Please order first, customize! [4/10])

Chapter 067, Yingchuan Caiduo, Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai! Please order first, customize! [4] The news of Chen Peng's victory over the Yellow Turbans and the beheading of Zhang Jiao and other thieves quickly spread around Luoyang.

in spite of……

Whether it is a three-year-old child or an old man in his sixties, they all know that Yingchuan has a scholar named Chen Peng.

Youzhou attacked [-] Yellow Turbans at night, and Jizhou flooded the Yellow Turbans, beheading Zhang Bao, capturing Zhang Liang, and destroying Zhang Jiao! More importantly, Chen Peng is only eighteen years old now! And the most intense discussion about Chen Peng It is Yingchuan.

Because Chen Peng came from the Chen clan of Yingchuan.

The most famous gentry in Yingchuan were Zhong, Han, Xun, and Chen.

This Chen is talking about the Chen family where Chen Peng is.

Because of the existence of these gentry, Yingchuan is known as the place where the talented and talented are outstanding.

There is a restaurant in Yingchuan.

, named Tianxia Restaurant...

It seems extraordinary and refined to use the name of the world, and scholars from all over Yingchuan are also willing to come here to make a pot of sake and talk about it.

As time goes by, more and more scholars gather here, and the topic of discussion has changed from the local dignitaries and celebrities in the beginning to the national events and the dynamics of the world.

In this way, the world restaurant.

It became more and more famous in Yingchuan.

But some famous scholars basically know the world restaurant...

And today, the world restaurant.

It was also very lively.

A young man who seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen, with a slightly thin body and a pale complexion, was sitting by the window at this time.

He was wearing a blue robe and carrying a wine jug, looking at the state of being half asleep and half awake.

With a handsome appearance and a dazzling expression, he looks like a standard scholar.

The young man's surname is Guo, his name is Jia, and his character is Fengxiao.

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