"This person is Xiaoliang Shuai on the side of Taiping Road. The boy has observed Taiping Road for a long time, and found that these people are conspiring to do something wrong, so he asked the eldest brother and the third brother to kill this group of Taiping Yaodao, and only left One of the leaders was strictly tried and forced to confess!"

"What this person said is not a random fabrication. This plan is perfect. If we really have to wait until that day to break out, the sky will be in chaos!" Chen Peng looked at his father and said.

"It is precisely because of this worry that the boy has made friends with the eldest brother and the third brother. If things change in the future, only in this way can we protect ourselves!"

Chen Xin stopped Chen Peng's words and didn't speak for a while, but he put away the bamboo slips.

"This father will report to the court, and you will hand over that Taiping believer to the father."

"This will also be a boost to your career in the future."

"But..." Chen Xin looked at Chen Peng and said, "Even if the Taiping Road rebels, it will not be as serious as you said. You are a member of the Chen family. The wine generation communicates with each other."

Seeing his own father didn't care very much.

Chen Peng suddenly remembered something.

It was said that Zhang Jiao was going to rebel.

But why did Zhang Jiao rebel?

Many later scholars have analyzed this issue.

In the end, a conclusion was reached that Zhang Jiao's rebellion was actually instigated by the gentry.

There are three reasons.

The first is that Taipingdao had been in rebellion for more than [-] years. If Zhang Jiao did not rebel, his life would be like that of the emperor.

What reason does he have for rebelling?

The second is that the date of Zhang Jiao's rebellion coincides with the second Han Lingdi's execution of party restraint, when countless gentry were persecuted and imprisoned.

The second time Emperor Ling of Han went to the party, the gentry suffered heavy losses, and more than [-] celebrities were imprisoned by Zhang Rang, who gained power, on various charges.

Among them was his grandfather Chen Yu.

Then these nobles suffered heavy casualties.

The third point is that the process of Zhang Jiao's uprising was a little too anticlimactic.

The momentum that swept the world at the beginning felt that the Han Dynasty would collapse at any time.

In addition to that careful plan, and the military action to mobilize the eight states in the world, will Zhang Jiao plan?

More suspiciously behind, Emperor Ling asked to quell the Yellow Turbans and not be able to lift the party restraint.

At that moment, Zhang Jiao became an abandoned child after being used by others.

Without the power of the nobility, without the nobility to help make plans, Zhang Jiao is like a headless fly.

It was settled in less than half a year.

To sum up, a conclusion is drawn that Zhang Jiao's Taiping Dao uprising was nothing but a weapon used by the gentry to fight back against the Lingdi party.

When the party restraint is lifted, weapons are naturally no longer needed.

Therefore, Chen Peng suspected that the Yingchuan Chen family was also involved, and his father must know something.

So he took a gamble.

"Father, the matter is far more serious than you think. Zhang Jiao is not a chess piece, and the Han family can't stand the toss!"

Chen Xin, who was walking out, suddenly stopped and turned around when he heard that Zhang Jiao was not a chess piece.

Chapter 011, Kunpeng's posture, wingspan thousands of miles! (New book for flowers [4/7])

Chapter 011, Kunpeng's posture, wingspan thousands of miles! (New book for flowers [4/7])

"Be careful!"

Chen Xin, who turned around, didn't ask Chen Peng what he meant.

Instead, he hurried to the door, pushed open the door to let the servant in front of him go away, and then turned back again.

After returning this time, Chen Peng saw a more shocked expression on his father's face.

Even more shocked than the expression on his face when he saw Deng Mao's confession.

"Today's words must not come out of this house, otherwise the thief Chen family will be wiped out." Chen Xin looked at Chen Peng and asked: "You said that Zhang Jiao is not a chess piece, where did you come from? heard?"

Chen Peng was secretly happy.

It seems he made the right bet.

Those in later generations who learned to analyze were also right.

Zhang Jiao's rebellion was no accident, but a conflict between the gentry and the imperial power.

"Father, the child has not listened to anyone's words. Today's words are based on their own analysis."

Chen Peng stood straight and his eyes were very frank.

This made Chen Xin, who still had doubts in his heart, dispel a lot of doubts.

Looking carefully at the son in front of him, he realized that he had already surpassed himself at some point in height.

Chen Xin went behind the desk and did it.

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