Then he also motioned for Chen Peng to sit down.

"Listen to your analysis as a father."

After Chen Xin sat down, he looked at Chen Peng.

Chen Peng sorted out his thoughts in his mind.

This conversation later will determine how much support he can get.

This is his chance to get the first pot of gold, so he has to seize it.

"Father, do you remember when Taiping Road began to flourish?"

Chen Peng threw the first question to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin thought for a while and shook his head.

"After the boy's investigation, it was after the death of the Great General Dou Wu when the Taiping Road was prosperous, that is, after His Majesty ascended the throne and implemented the party restraint!" Chen Peng said.

Chen Xin's hand on his knee trembled slightly when he heard this.

"Father, you might say it was a coincidence."

"But from Deng Mao's confession, Zhang Jiao's plan was so thorough this time, and all the prefectures and counties in the world responded at the same time."

Chen Peng looked at his father Chen Xin: "Father, without the help of the gentry, how could Zhang Jiao and others have such a plan?"

Chen Xin was very moved.

But that doesn't tell the whole story.

So he still shook his head.

"Not only these are not enough to explain anything!" Chen Xin said.

"Well, father, the boy dares to speculate that if Zhang Jiao rebels, can the corruption of the Han Empire be able to withstand the toss?"

"Then it's okay for the eunuchs in Luoyang City to play with power, let them put down the thieves?"

"If the world is in chaos, who will your Majesty think of first?"

"Who will be the ultimate beneficiary!"

The best way to find out who's behind the scenes is to find the ultimate beneficiaries.

It's called a relationship of interest.

Chen Peng's words pointed directly at the power of the gentry behind Zhang Jiao.

Chen Xin suddenly raised his head and asked with shock in his tone: "These...are you analyzing them yourself?"

Chen Peng nodded: "Big traitor seems loyal, big fake seems real, if Taiping Road has no plans, why do you come here?"

Chen Xin's eyes were full of relief.

"My son is like this. It's very comforting for my father. My family Wanli Peng will eventually have a day to spread its wings."

Chen Xin sighed and said: "When I named you Peng, I hoped that you would be like the Kunpeng who can swing thousands of miles. Your name is Yunqing, which means that you are absolutely cloudless, bear the blue sky, and swing [-] miles. !"

"You are here waiting to be a father."

Chen Xin said and stood up.

At this moment, Chen Peng only saw the expectations of a father for a son from Chen Xin.

And get this expectation after the satisfaction.

As for the Dao of Taiping and the affairs of the world, what does it have to do with Chen Xin?

If he is really greedy for the powerful, why should he leave Yingchuan and go to Youzhou to become a small county magistrate?

With the status of the Chen family in Yingchuan, not to mention the position of the third prince, it is not difficult to want a Jiuqing in the future.

The reason why Chen Xin left Yingchuan so far away was just for Chen Peng.

It didn't take long for Chen Peng to see his father coming back from outside.

When he came back, Chen Peng saw his father holding a bamboo tube the size of his thumb.

After taking a seat, Chen Xin opened the bamboo tube and took out a piece of silk.

The silk is full of words.

"This is a letter from your fourth uncle. You can read it first, and then talk about it after reading it." Chen Xin said.

Chen Peng looked down at the content in his hand.

After only reading two lines, Chen Peng's eyes were full of shock.

Sure enough, in the letter, his fourth uncle Chen Chen mentioned in the letter that the father and son can set off and must return to Yingchuan before March.

Although the letter did not specify why.

But Chen Peng is not a fool.

When you see this, you know the connection between the nobility and Zhang Jiao.

When the world is in chaos, only the people suffer.

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