It has nothing to do with those in power, or those in power.

After seeing this letter, Chen Peng understood a truth.

The common people in the world and ordinary people's livelihood are nothing but chips and chess pieces in the hands of those in power and those in power.

The nobility fanned Zhang Jiao to rebel, under the slogan that the sky is dead and the yellow sky stands.

The only people who died were ordinary people and Zhang Jiao, who were manipulated by the gentry, in order for Emperor Ling to untie the party.

In the end it was the common people who died, and the gentry were the ones who benefited.

It's just that everyone may not have thought of a change, this person's name is Dong Zhuo!

Chapter 012, The first pot of gold to start a business at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty! (New book for flowers [5/7])

Chapter 012, The first pot of gold to start a business at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty! (New book for flowers [5/7])

Chen Peng put down the letter in his hand with a complicated mood.

"Father, though, but..."

"But the Han Dynasty is no longer the Han Dynasty it was decades ago!"

"Zhang Jiao's calamity will definitely be bigger than expected, and... I have a hunch!"

Chen Peng looked at his father Chen Xin and said, "In the next few years, the world will be in chaos because of this. If we don't prepare in advance, then our Chen family may only become a part of the river."

What will happen after him naturally.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion is nothing but a key to unlocking the troubled world.

Then the ignorant action of the general He Jin was the last pusher that ruined the Han Dynasty.

And Yuan Kui and those people never dreamed that Dong Zhuo, who was looked down upon by them, would jump over the wall in a hurry.

If you don't start preparing now, it will be too late to prepare by then.

Besides, he now has a system. If he can't get a place in the general trend sweeping the world, doesn't that mean he's coming for nothing?

Troubled times, heroes, heroes, strategists, ghosts, heavenly fragrances, national colors, rights, supreme!

When these words come together, this special and magnificent era is achieved.

And he!Chen Peng, from the time he came to this world, was destined to be as dazzling as the sun in the future.

"Then what do you want to do?" Chen Xin looked at Chen Peng and asked.

Chen Peng pointed to the letter from his fourth uncle Chen Chen and said, "Father, maybe we can avoid disaster by returning to Yingchuan now, but has my father ever thought that there are great opportunities in the crisis that comes along!"

"Now we know that Taiping Road will rebel, and we are very close to Jizhou. If we were successful in suppressing the rebellion when Zhang Jiao rebelled, wouldn't this be a political resource?"

Chen Xin hesitated, his eyebrows locked together: "But this way, your father and son are in crisis, aren't you afraid?"


"But if you live in an undisturbed life in the future, you will be more afraid. The child doesn't want to put his fate in the hands of others, please father!"

When he said the last sentence, Chen Peng stood up and bowed to his father.

Although he has a system.

Although he is now Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

But he also needs help.

Without the help of a strong background, just like Liu Bei, even if he has the status of a clan, he is only half a lifetime.

Chen Peng is not Liu Bei, he is the son of the Chen clan in Yingchuan.

With Yingchuan Chen behind him, as long as he doesn't make mistakes, and as long as he uses his advantages to move forward steadily, he believes that he will be one of the eighteen princes in the future when he asks for Dong.

"it is good!"

Chen Xin fixed his eyes on Chen Peng.

"My son has such a great wish, and there is no reason for it to be unfulfilled as a father."

Chen Xin finally nodded and agreed.

Chen Peng was overjoyed.

"Father, we still have less than a month to prepare!" Chen Peng said.

"Huh?" Chen Xin asked in confusion, "Shouldn't it be two months?"

Chen Peng shook his head and said, "At most one month, my father will send this confession back to Yingchuan, and let the fourth uncle find a way to hand it over to His Majesty."

"In this way, arresting people according to Deng Mao's confession will definitely alert Zhang Jiao first, and then the uprising will be stored ahead of schedule, which is good for us!"


Zhang Jiao's uprising will definitely be advanced, even without his Shanyu.

If that's the case, why don't you put the credit on yourself?

This is also a small credit.

Chen Xin nodded and said, "I understand for my father, this is also your credit, Yun Qing."

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