
Chen Peng scratched his head embarrassedly: "And father, the child may go to Zhongshan and Changshan, there are two things that need to be done, I hope father will support."

His performance just now has reassured his father.

So everything follows naturally.

Chen Xin started hoarding food and grass, secretly recruiting soldiers to defend against the Yellow Turban thieves.

Deng Mao and his statement were sent to the Chen family in Yingchuan.

It also came with a letter from Chen Xin.

After finishing all this, Chen Peng returned to Zhang Fei's home.

Soon after learning about it, the three brothers who wanted the world to be in chaos began to study together.

In the end, Zhang Fei decided to sell the property and hand over all the money to Chen Peng.

The same people, the three of them rode fast horses towards Zhongshan Wuji in the first battle.

Moreover, Chen Peng, who went to Zhongshan Wuji, still carried a marriage certificate in his arms.

As for the reason for going to Zhongshan Wuji, it is because there is the Zhen family who is rich in Jizhou.

There are five sisters in the Zhen family.

The youngest one is called Zhen Mi.

Chapter 013, Zhongshan Zhen's, the rich family! (New book for flowers [6/7])

Chapter 013, Zhongshan Zhen's, the rich family! (New book for flowers [6/7])

Zhuo County is only one place apart from Zhongshan Kingdom.

If the horse is fast, it is estimated that it will arrive in half a day.

And Zhuo County is closer to Zhongshan Wuji, where Zhen's family is.

On the official road leading to Wuji, the three of them galloped on three fast horses and the dust was flying behind them.

"Second brother, why are we going to this Wuji Zhen Clan?"

Zhang Fei, who was holding an eight-foot snake spear, followed Liu Yi.


Chen Peng turned his head at Zhang Fei and said with a smile: "Zhenshi Zhongshan, a wealthy family, if you and my brother want to make a big deal, how can you have no money in your hands, your brother, I'll get a sponsorship!"


Zhang Fei was stunned: "Second brother, haven't I sold my property, why is it not enough?"

"Third brother."

Guan Yu, who was riding on the horse and holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, interjected: "The third brother has a lot of wealth, but compared to the Zhongshan Zhen family, it is only a drop in the bucket!"

"Oh?" Chen Peng raised his eyebrows and looked at Guan Yu after hearing this: "Big brother also knows about the Zhongshan Zhen family?"

Guan Yu nodded: "When I went to Zhuo County for refuge in the early years, I once served as a guard for Zhen's caravan for a period of time, and then came to Zhuo County and stayed there."

"Zhen's wealth is second to none in Zhongshan, even in Jizhou!" Guan Yu said.

"Big brother said it's good, so let's ask them for sponsorship!"

Chen Peng said with a smile.

It's just that the way he pulls sponsorships is rather surprising.

This time he went not only to get sponsorship, but to tie Zhen Shi to his chariot.

As for how to tie it, of course, it was a marriage contract in his arms.

In the early years, Yuan Shao asked Zhen to help him after he got Jizhou.

Because of this, Yuan Xi married Zhen Mi later.

But this time, he had to strike first, and this could be considered a hunch to intercept Yuan Shao.


Thinking of this, Chen Peng suddenly felt that this Hu cutting system was so interesting.


In Wuji, Zhongshan, there is a huge manor five miles outside Wuji County.

It's actually a manor, but it's more like a castle.

And this huge manor is in no way inferior to Wuji County.

Even more than that.

The manor is surrounded by city walls made of rammed earth about four meters high.

There are also many guards wearing armor and holding knife handles on the city wall.

These are the private soldiers kept by the local tyrants.

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