Zhen's second room, third room, and fourth room are now wolves, and Zhen's property is the horses sold by Zhen Jiang's father.

The second room, Zhen Mao, looked at Zhen Jiang with eyes or color, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear in his heart.

After telling the story, Zhen Jiang turned to salute Zhen Mao and others.

"Uncles, Zhen Jiang is young and does not understand the world, if there is something wrong, please don't blame your uncles. My father is seriously ill and it is difficult to take care of the family business. Recuperate with peace of mind, what do you uncles think?"

Zhen Mao squinted at Zhen Jiang: "I didn't notice it before, it turns out that eldest brother has such a daughter."

"very good."

Zhen Mao looked at the third room and the fourth room.

The two didn't seem to want to stay here any longer, so they nodded and agreed!

Chapter 016, Yingchuan Chen's name! (New book for flowers [2/7])

Chapter 016, Yingchuan Chen's name! (New book for flowers [2/7])

Seeing the third room and the fourth room, they all nodded in agreement.

Zhen Mao didn't want to say more nonsense.

As long as they can get their eldest brother's property, everything else is not a problem.

As for whether their eldest brother wants to 'deal with' directly or find a way to cure the disease, it has nothing to do with them.

Mrs. Zhang looked at her eldest daughter.

Zhen Jiang, who turned his back to face the crowd, gently shook his head at his mother.

At this time, saving my father's life is better than anything else.

She understands that these uncles are no longer relatives, but a pack of wolves waiting to divide their property.

At this time, they could only save their father by cutting the meat and feeding the wolves.

Zhang Shi nodded with tears in his eyes.

The mother and daughter stood alone in the cold wind.

Just when Erfang Zhen Mao decided to agree to speak, a voice called the door suddenly came to mind outside.

"Mrs. Qi, there is someone outside asking to see you."

The voice of a servant's servant rang from outside the door.

Zhen Mao frowned.

"What time is it, I have no eyesight at all, go away, see!"

Zhen Mao didn't want things to change after the final critical step.

Quickly divide up the property and leave here is what he has to do now.

"Second...Second grandpa, that person said he was the son of the magistrate of Zhuo County..."

"What Zhuo County magistrate, if you don't see it, you don't see it, let them go!"

Before waiting for the servant to finish speaking, Zhen Mao said impatiently.

The Zhen family's wealth is known to the surrounding counties.

There are not many officials and family members who come to Zhen's house to fight the autumn wind.

If it is usually in order not to offend people, they will definitely meet, and give a generous gift when sending people away.

But they don't have time today.

Not to mention it was only the son of a county magistrate, if it was the son of the prefect, they might meet again.

Not to mention the son of a county magistrate, even the magistrate of Wuji County would be nice to talk to their Zhen family.

Who knew that Zhen Mao had already said so, but the servants outside the door still did not leave.

"Second...the second grandpa..."


Zhen Mao kicked open the door behind him, but he wanted to see who was the servant who didn't have long eyes.

Zhen Jiang and Zhang's mother and daughter watched this scene and did not speak.


"Dog slave, I killed you."

Zhen Mao, who kicked the door open, slapped the servant's face with a slap, and spoke viciously.

The servant was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and covered his face very innocently.

"Second grandpa, that person said he was the son of Zhuo County magistrate Yingchuan Chen Xin...Second grandfather spared his life." The servant said hesitantly and completely.

It's not that he didn't want to finish it all at once, but he was interrupted by Zhen Mao several times in a row.

Zhen Mao just wanted to raise his hand to fight, when he heard Yingchuan Chen's arm suddenly froze in the air.

The Zhen family can ignore the Zhuo County magistrate and the son of the Zhuo County magistrate.

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