But they couldn't ignore the four words Yingchuan Chen.

Not to mention that they are a Zhen clan, even the governor of Jizhou should have a respectful heart for the four characters of Yingchuan Chen clan.

"Yingchuan Chen?" Zhen Mao frowned first, then put down his hand.


Outside Zhen's Manor, Chen Peng, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were outside.

From the closed door of Zhen's Manor and the fact that no one opened the door he called for a long time, Chen Peng deduced that there must be something wrong with Zhen's.

"Second brother, these guys don't take second brother seriously, or let me break the door!"

Zhang Fei's mouth is like a loudspeaker.

The Zhen's private soldiers in Walled Mountain were so frightened that they swallowed their saliva one by one.

"Hey, third brother, don't be impatient, don't ruin Yunqing's affairs." Guan Yu said with a knife in one hand and a light beard in the other.

"His grandma's, what the Zhen family, such a big face!" Zhang Fei cursed in dissatisfaction.

Just as he was talking, the closed door suddenly opened.

Zhen Mao with a smiling face and Zhen's other two rooms, as well as Zhang's and Zhen Jiang's mother and son walked out from inside.

It's just that the Zhang family and Zhen Jiang's mother and daughter are some distance away from Zhen Mao and others.

"Haha, I don't know if Chen Gongzi has lost his way to welcome him. It's really a sin. In the second room of the Zhen family, Zhen Mao, I have seen Chen Gongzi!"

Zhen Mao smiled and stepped forward to salute Chen Peng, who was on horseback.

As for why it is Chen Peng, of course there is no need to ask.

First of all, Chen Peng's position is in the middle of the three and in the front, this is one of them.

Besides, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu didn't look like a son from a noble family.

Only Chen Peng is like that.

Listening to Zhen Mao's words, Chen Peng was not in a hurry to answer.

Zhen's second room?

What he came to see today was Zhen's big house, that is, Zhen Mi's father, Zhen Yi.

And Chen Peng, who was delivered from a distance, also saw it, it seemed to be a mother and daughter.

The woman seemed to have just cried, and the younger girl bowed her head politely.

"Where's Zhen Yi?" Chen Peng's first sentence went straight to the topic: "Chen came today to ask Zhen Yi, the head of the Zhen family, to talk about something, and would you like to see him."

Chen Peng, who was sitting on the horse, did not come down.

With the name of the Yingchuan Chen family, the Zhen family is not enough for him to dismount.

"Oh, it's like this. It's unfortunate that Mr. Chen came here. It just so happens that the elder brother is seriously ill, but it doesn't matter. What happened to Mr. Chen is the same as what our brother said!"

As Zhen Mao spoke, he began to introduce himself and the people behind him.

In the baptism of the plot of the TV series in later generations, how could Chen Peng not understand what happened now.

Isn't this an obvious grievance between rich and powerful families, the plot of brothers fighting for family property to bully orphans and widows!


Chapter 017, Chen Peng: "Girl, please stay!" (New Book for Flowers [3/7])

Chapter 017, Chen Peng: "Girl, please stay!" (New Book for Flowers [3/7])

According to what the second room Zhen Mao said in front of him.

That is, Zhen Yi, the head of the Zhen family, is seriously ill, and everything is left to him.

Chen Peng, who was sitting on the horse, smiled.

In the distance, Zhen Yi's original wife also cried, and her daughter also looked wronged. It was obvious that the Zhen family came to force the palace.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing does not belong to Chen Peng.

But who made him the embodiment of heroism and chivalry?

So Chen Peng turned over from the horse, ignoring Zhen Mao who greeted him with a smile on his face, and went directly to his future mother-in-law, Mrs. Zhang.

"Chen Peng in Xiayingchuan, I met Mrs.

Chen Peng politely clasped his fists with both hands and bowed to Mrs. Zhang.

This ceremony immediately made Zhang Shi feel a little overwhelmed.

"Young Master Chen is very polite, please get up quickly, this... this..."

The overwhelmed Zhang Shi was a little nervous.

On the other hand, Zhen Jiang opened his mouth to help his mother.

"My father is seriously ill, and my mother is exhausted day and night. If there is anything rude, please don't blame Mr. Chen. Zhen Jiang is here to make amends for his mother."

Zhen Jiang gave a respectful salute to Chen Peng as he spoke.

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