Lu Bu clearly remembered Chen Peng's...and his arrogant attitude.

Of course, Lu Bu would not think that it was because Chen Peng had a powerful force that he was so arrogant. It was because Chen Peng had power, soldiers, and status! So from that day on, the germ of a kind of power has been formed. Rooted in Lu Bu's heart.

"Kill, capture Chen Peng alive!"

Wearing a hundred-flowered battle robe with a purple-gold crown on his head and a beast-faced swallowing armor, Lu Bu flicked the reins of his war horse, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand pointed directly at Chen Peng.

"You don't have those people by your side today, I want to see where you are running!"

Lu Bu, who was running towards Chen Peng, roared loudly.

"Don't be mad, Changshan Zhao Zilong is here!"

Zhao Yun's gentian silver spear flashed away like a silver dragon spitting out a letter, stabbing at Lu Bu.

The spear-shaped spear-like flowers immediately surrounded Lu Bu's body.

Lu Bu, who was rushing over, was startled.

Zhao Yun's marksmanship lies in subtlety, and the subtlety can be seen clearly.

And as soon as the expert made a move, he would know if there was any.... Lu Bu was also extremely shocked at how there were so many fierce generals around Chen Peng, "Hua Xiong, Li Jue, Guo Si, you can't wait to help Lu Bu!"

Dong Zhuo said.


Hua Xiong hurriedly cupped his hands.


Hua Xiong, who was racing towards Chen Peng, was a little absent-minded.

Not because of anything else, but because if Chen Peng's sworn brother Guan Yu and Zhang Fei hadn't shot him that night, he would have died in Lu Bu's custody.

Huaxiong remembered the life-saving grace in his heart, so he didn't want to embarrass Chen Peng.

But he could not disobey Dong Zhuo's orders.

So it can only be perfunctory.

At this time, Zhao Yun was already fighting with Lu Bu.

After more than ten moves, Lu Bu became more and more frightened.

It wasn't that he couldn't defeat this white-robed general named Zhao Zilong, but he was surprised that Zhao Yun, who was so much younger than him, could stop him for so long.

But Lu Bu did not intend to entangle.

Capturing Chen Peng alive is what he has to do now.

"Someone stop him!"

After the horse's Lu Bu roared, he hurriedly turned his horse's head and rushed out of Zhao Yun's battle circle.

And several of Lu Bu's subordinates, Gao Shun and others, rushed forward and surrounded Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun was in a hurry.

"Let's go, lord!"

Zhao Yun, who looked anxious, turned his head and shouted at Chen Peng.

However, Chen Peng stood there without any intention of moving.

The grinning Lu Bu charged at Chen Peng with the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand.

"I'll see who can save you now! Your head is the first step in my Lu Bu's fame!"

A smile bloomed on the face of Lu Bu who rushed over.

For Chen Peng at this time, facing him, it is... credit, it is... title, it is... a bright future! "Come here!"

With a loud shout, the Fang Tianhua halberd in Lu Bu's hands smashed into Chen Peng's back.


Hua Xiong sighed in his heart.

Although he didn't want to embarrass Chen Peng, he didn't dare to help Chen Peng publicly.

Besides, he was no match for Lu Bu at all.

Don't talk about Chen Peng, it's just... After he took Lu Bu's first move, his mouth was broken, and he couldn't even resist the second move.


Zhao Yun, who was surrounded by Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, and others, was about to split, and with a roar, the gentian and silver spear in his hand rounded and forced everyone in front of him to retreat.

It's a pity that the distance is too far, Zhao Yun is too late.

He Jin, who was farther away, had a smile on his face.

"Young people are still young people after all. When you are rampant, everyone lets you, not because they are afraid of you, but because they don't want to fight with you.


"Chen Peng, Chen Peng, it seems that this time the champion of the big Han is about to fall!"

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