He Jin said proudly.

On the other hand, Dong Zhuo felt a little regretful.

That's right, it's just... a pity.

For... Chen Peng, Dong Zhuo's heart is a little complicated.

But one thing can be confirmed, Chen Peng's leadership in the war is indeed unmatched.

It's a pity that Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, Chen Peng's tree is too big.

And this kind of talent that is rarely seen in 100 years is probably going to die today.

Zhang Rang and the others above the imperial city also looked down with ashen faces.

The hope that had just been ignited was instantly dashed.

Of course.

Among all the happy people, the most happy should be Lu Bu.

Because He Jin had just ordered that as long as Chen Peng was caught, he would reward him with a thousand pieces of gold!

What he cares about is fame and fortune, and what he cares about is Fenghou and worshipping generals! And Chen Peng is a stepping stone to his success.

The smile on Lu Bu's face was already blooming.

But what surprised him was that he didn't see even a hint of fear on Chen Peng's face.

That's right.

There was no fear on Chen Peng's face.

At this moment, Chen Peng's face even had a look of anticipation.

Time seems to be there: this moment enters slow motion.

In Lu Bu's hand, the Fang Tianhua halberd, which was about two feet long and weighed one hundred and twenty-eight jin, smashed into Chen Peng's back with the sound of howling wind.

And Chen Peng stretched out an arm, and then directly held Fang Tianhua's halberd.

In a split second, the slow motion speeds up again, and everything goes back to normal.

Seeing Chen Peng holding his Fang Tianhua halberd, Lu Bu's eyes widened in disbelief.


Lu Bu roared and wanted to withdraw Fang Tianhua halberd.

However, it didn't come back.

Chen Peng, who grasped Fang Tianhua's halberd, showed a sinister smile.

The slightly raised corner of his mouth is the biggest mockery of everyone.

"Do you think Ben Hou can only write poetry?"


As he was talking, Chen Peng suddenly pulled Fang Tianhua's halberd into his arms, and then directed at Lu Bu's chest... a tiger claw.

The fist style brought out by the powerful force was like a roaring tiger, which stunned everyone present! Countless people stared at this scene in disbelief!  …: Please customize, fully order!  … Please read the novel without underline Download Feilo Novel

Chapter 0174, Youzhou bad news, retreat across the board! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 074, Bad news from Youzhou, retreat across the board! Please customize, all orders! Lu Bu, who was caught off guard, was pulled by Chen Peng from the battle horse into the air.

Before Lu Bu, who was in mid-air, could react, Chen Peng's punch had already slammed into Lu Bu's chest, on top of the beast's head.

At this moment, Lu Bu's eyes suddenly darkened, as if a carriage dragged by four galloping horses hit his chest.

Lu Bu, who flew upside down, even spat out a mouthful of blood.


There was a sound, Chen Peng let go of Fang Tianhua's halberd, and before Lu Bu landed, he stepped on the horse's back and charged forward.

People are still there: Lu Bu in the air saw Chen Peng suddenly fall from the air, and then stepped on his abdomen with one foot.


The strong falling force instantly overturned the surrounding snow.

And Lu Bu was vomiting blood and his eyes were black.

Chen Peng's actions flowed smoothly without any pause.

And the visual impact of this close-range fist-fighting is even more shocking.

There is no need to say more about Lu Bu's bravery.

Ding Yuan, including Lu Bu's subordinates, believed that there would be no opponent of Lu Bu in this world.

in Jiuyuan.

At that time, Lu Bu was called Jiuyuan.

The tiger frightens the frontier.

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