And after arriving in Luoyang, Lu Bu was the same as in Jiuyuan.

In the same way, the number one general under Dong Zhuo's command was almost killed in two strokes.

In the battle, the generals under Chen Peng's command were not at all disadvantaged.

It's just right now! It's amazing that Chen Peng was beaten by a set of fists and feet and was powerless to fight back! "Quick, save the general!"

Gao Shun who was besieging Zhao Yun shouted and turned around and rushed towards Chen Peng.

"how can that be!"

He Jin, who was standing on the chariot in the distance, looked surprised.

The faces of Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan next to them were incredible.

And Hua Xiong, who just wanted to rescue Chen Peng, grabbed the reins with one hand when he was about to come to Chen Peng. He didn't know whether to go forward or not.

If he went forward, he was afraid of being beaten by Chen Peng.

The powerful force Chen Peng showed at this moment instantly made everyone in a state of daze.


Lu Bu, who was lying on the ground, roared angrily and struggled up like an angry lion.

Lu Bu is still Lu Bu after all.

If it can be defeated by this combination of punches, then it is not called Lu Bu.

Chen Peng was naturally aware of this, he knew that Lu Bu was just caught off guard by his sudden attack.

"I kill you!"

Lu Bu, who had never been insulted like this before, roared and waved his fists.

Chen Peng, on the other hand, grabbed the reins of the war horse with one hand, turned on the horse, and then took off the straight knife that was straddling the saddle.

Although he thought it was impossible, he still wanted to try to see if he could kill Lu Bu.

In this way, there will be one less enemy in the future.

It was at this time that Lu Bu's subordinate Gao Shun and the others also caught up.

And Zhang Liao still has several of Zhang Liao's generals still: Siege of Zhao Yun.

"The general is on the horse!"

Gao Shun, who came to Lu Bu, dismounted first, and then gave his horse to Lu Bu.

Lu Bu roared and got on his horse, and before he urged the horse to dry the blood on the corner of his mouth, he bent down and picked up the Fang Tianhua halberd on the ground.

"Chen Peng, I, Lu Bu, swear that I won't be human if I don't kill you!"

The roaring Lu Bu's eyes were bloodshot.

"Go on, you must not let Chen Peng go, no matter whether you live or die, kill or capture Chen Peng to seal the gate!"

He Jinjian pointed at Chen Peng.

A man with great ingenuity and great leadership is enough to make people very jealous.

What's more important is that this person is also of noble birth and is a royal family member.

His father was Youzhou Mu, and his grandfather was one of the four chiefs of Yingchuan and the head of Yingchuan scholars.

But now such a person has the appearance of being the enemy of ten thousand people.

He Jin was really scared.

At first, He Jin was only going to imprison Chen Peng in Luoyang, and then he was exploiting his official position to make him a son at home.

But now He Jin has changed his mind, and Chen Peng's threat is too great.


"Come on!"

Under He Jin's order, all the soldiers who were preparing to attack the imperial city rushed to Chen Peng's side.

And the heavy armored cavalry on Chen Peng's side also moved, and rammed straight towards the army in front of He Jin.

At this time, He Jin surrounded the palace with more than [-] people.

In addition, there are also the Xiliang Army under Dong Zhuo and the Bingzhou Army under Ding Yuan from outside the city.

Chen Peng knew that even if he could fight the five hundred heavily armored cavalry under his command, he would definitely not be He Jin's current opponent.

And after procrastinating for so long, Dian Wei must have left the city.

Thinking of this, Chen Peng resigned.

However, things are always so good, just when Chen Pengxin was withdrawing his intentions, suddenly countless cavalrymen rushed out of his main street and the streets next to the main street.

"Second brother, don't be afraid, I'll come too!"

People arrived before the sound, and even Peng could hear the voice of his third brother Zhang Fei.

Chen Peng, who was about to retreat, was suddenly shocked.

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