Behind him, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Sun Ce, and Ma Chao dashed over on four horses.

Behind the four of them, countless cavalrymen in black armor gathered into a black mass.

His eldest brother Guan Yu and his third brother Zhang Fei have entered the city, which means that Dian Wei has successfully left the city at this time.

At this moment, Chen Peng has nothing to worry about.

But He Jin, who saw Chen Peng coming to the reinforcements, looked a little ugly! "In the beginning, Meng De was bad for me!"

He Jin slapped his thigh and shouted! Jian Shuo, who was above the imperial city, was eager to try.

"Look, Chen Peng's reinforcements are here. If we open the palace gate at this time and let the forbidden army attack He Jin from behind, He Jin will lose under the attack of the two sides!"

Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong on the side all thought it was feasible after hearing about it.

In the effort to speak, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who came to support, have come to Chen Peng's side.

As for Lu Bu, who just shouted and killed him as if he wanted to fight Chen Peng, he retreated.

The two armies resumed their confrontation again.

"Big brother, third brother, why did you come so quickly?"

Chen Peng turned his head to look at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei beside him and asked, "Has Zhonglie returned to the camp safely?"

Guan Yu, who was beside him, nodded quickly: "Don't worry Yunqing, all the family members have returned to the camp. Zhonglie was trapped in the city by Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's two children. When Yide and I led the troops to the east gate, Zhonglie was only just now. Come out! I sent cavalry to escort them back to the camp, Zhonglie was injured!"


Chen Pengjian frowned.

He Jin really sent someone to intercept it.

It turned out to be Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

However, Chen Peng also heard some things that made him feel wrong from Guan Yu's change.

Dian Wei didn't return to the camp outside the city by himself, so why did Guan Yu lead his troops to the east gate of Luoyang first? "Brother, who sent you a message in advance?

Chen Peng asked a little puzzled.

Unless someone gave Guan Yu news first, how could Guan Yu know that there was a change in the city, but Guan Yu shook his head.

"Yunqing, I am leading the troops just to rectify the army and prepare to set off. I came to the city to find you. I don't know that there is a change in the city. Something happened in Youzhou!"

Guan Yu said.

Something happened to Youzhou, Chen Peng was stunned! So his eldest brother Guan Yu didn't know the situation in Luoyang, but just wanted to go to the city to report to him.

Something happened in Youzhou, what happened "Yun Qing, don't worry after you hear it.


Guan Yu didn't say it directly.

Chen Peng nodded: "Don't worry, eldest brother, our brothers have never seen any strong winds or waves. If you have anything to say, just say it. What happened to Youzhou fell to the ground, but it's about my father."

Guan Yu nodded.

"Just in the morning, someone from Youzhou sent a letter saying that your father was besieged in Ji County, and the four counties of Youzhou fell into the hands of the rebel army. Now Youzhou is in chaos!"

Guan Yu said.


Chen Peng's face was full of shock.

Where did the rebel army from Youzhou come from, the rebel army could not be the Yellow Turban Army, his teacher Lu Zhi was suppressing the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou at this time, leading the Qingzhou prefect.

The Yellow Turbans in Jizhou have long since been emptied.

Only the handover of Bingzhou and Youzhou still has a group of Yellow Turbans near Montenegro.

Not the Yellow Turban, what is "Wuhuan"

Chen Peng responded suddenly.

If it was only Wuhuan, it would be impossible to expect such a big momentum from them.

Chen Peng immediately thought of two people.

These two are named Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun! In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the two raised troops to rebel in Yuyang, and at one time they gathered more than [-] rebels to loot the surrounding counties and counties, claiming that the influence of the emperor was extremely bad.

Guan Yu, who confirmed what Chen Peng thought, nodded and said, "No matter...

It's Wuhuan, as well as Yuyang people Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun, and..."

Guan Yu paused for a while and said, "Also, Gongsun Zan, who escaped in Jizhou, and the big-eared thief whose ear was removed by my knife!"

"Gongsun Zan! Liu Bei!"

Chen Peng immediately clenched his fists, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

These two actually joined the Wuhuan to invade Youzhou.

Damn it! Damn it! It turned out that it was because of this Guan Yu that the army was assembled and ready to go.

Indeed, the rescue of Youzhou is more important than anything else.

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