Chen Peng's father, Chen Xin, nodded after hearing this: "Yun Qing is right. If he didn't listen to you as a father, he would have almost killed the people of Zhuo County."

"Yun Qing has always been a genius, there is no doubt about that!" Guan Yu said while riding on his horse, lightly wiping his beautiful beard.

Chen Peng was a little embarrassed by the praise of the three.

It is getting closer and closer to Jixian.

In order to defend against the Yellow Turbans, the prefects Guo Xun and Liu Wei did not sit still.

The two implemented the tactics of clearing the wall and moving all the people around Jixian to Jixian.

and burned the surrounding villages.

Although the war has not yet officially started, the surrounding area of ​​Jixian is still in a miserable state.

In the distance, Chen Peng could already see the tall and thick city walls of Jixian County.

As the seat of the entire Youzhou, Ji County is naturally taller and thicker than the walls of ordinary counties.

However, Chen Peng, who had not yet entered the city of Jixian, encountered another group of cavalry soldiers outside the city of Jixian.

From a distance, Chen Peng saw the embroidered two characters of Gongsun on the flag fluttering in the wind.

When he saw these two words, Chen Peng thought of a person.

A great warlord who will occupy more than half of the north in the future and can compete with Yuan Shao of the fourth and third princes.

Gongsun Zan!

As the two armies moved in the same direction and got closer, Chen Peng finally saw the composition of the other side.

The cavalry, all of them were cavalry, probably numbered around three hundred.

The leader was a tall, sturdy young general.

"Is Mr. Chen, the magistrate of Zhuo County, in front?"

Immediately, the young general shouted loudly towards Chen Xin.

"It's right here, who's under your feet?" Chen Xin also asked to the other side.

"I am Shi Gongsun Zan, the head of the Liaodong state, and I am here to support you in the name of the prefect governor!" Gongsun Zan, who was on the horse, shouted loudly.

Chen Peng raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, it was Gongsun Zan!

Name: Gongsun Zan

Age: 29

Force: 78

Domination: 86

Politics: 85

Intelligence: 79

Charisma: 65

Skill: [White Horse Servant]

He didn't expect that he would meet Gongsun Zan here.

Since they are friendly forces, the two teams are getting closer and closer.

And when Chen Peng saw Gongsun Zan clearly, he was stunned.

Because he found another person beside Gongsun Zan.

Isn't it the uncle Liu Bei, Liu Huang, whom I haven't seen for a long time!


Chapter 032, Uncle Liu's Resurrection (New Book for Flowers [4/7])

Chapter 032, Uncle Liu's Resurrection (New Book for Flowers [4/7])

Chen Peng was obviously taken aback when he saw Liu Bei.

He thought that he had cut off Liu Bei, and without Guan Zhang's help, the uncle would sink and disappear on the stage of history.

What I didn't expect was that the uncle was still the uncle after all.

It seems that he has not given up, thinking about struggling.

In the early years when Lu Zhi was teaching, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan had listened to Lu Zhi's teaching together, and they were considered Lu Zhi's students.

Of course, this kind of student relationship is not that kind of disciple relationship.

When Lu Zhi gave lectures, the class was open, and hundreds of people were listening.

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are just one of them.

Gongsun Zan's real teacher should be Liu Kuan.

But despite this, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan were still friends.

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