It's no surprise to appear beside Gongsun Zan now.

Chen Peng recognized Liu Bei, and Liu Bei naturally recognized Chen Peng and Guan Zhang.

Immediately wearing a suit of armor and wearing a long sword around his waist, Liu Bei bowed to Chen Peng with a smile, and also to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

"I've seen Young Master Chen and the two of you. I didn't expect us to be so destined." Liu Bei smiled sincerely.

"You know Xuande?" Gongsun Zan, who was a little surprised, looked at Liu Bei and asked.

Liu Bei nodded: "Bo Gui, this is the son of the county magistrate. Yi Bei was fortunate enough to meet Chen son at the market."

"Chen Gongzi raised the [-]-pound stone pier with one hand to surprise him."

"And the two strong men beside Chen Gongzi are not ordinary people." Liu Bei said to Gongsun Zan.

"Lifting a thousand-pound boulder with one hand?"

Gongsun Zan stared at Chen Peng with wide eyes.

Looking up and down, Gongsun Zan didn't think that the bookish-looking guy in front of him could lift a thousand-pound boulder with one hand.

"Just kidding, I'm just taking advantage of it. If it's really about strength and courage, how can I compare to Brother Bo Gui?" Chen Peng smiled modestly.

"Young master knows me?"

Gongsun Zan looked at Chen Peng.

Chen Peng smiled and nodded: "I have heard that there is a white horse general in Liaodong, and all the aliens are horrified when they see it. Isn't that the brother of Gongsun Bogui?"

Gongsun Zan was about the same age as Chen Peng right now, even if he was older, but it was normal for Chen Peng to call him a brother.

On the other hand, Gongsun Zan also had a smile on his face when he heard Chen Peng's praise.

The sedan chairs were carried by everyone, and they were praised by the Yingchuan nobility. Gongsun Zan, who came from a humble background, was naturally happy.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Bei's eyes never left Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Chen Peng was also a little helpless about Liu Bei's 'flickering'.

While walking, he said that Liu Bei shared his experience after meeting Chen Peng and others.

It turned out that after meeting Chen Peng that day, Liu Bei packed up and left Zhuo County to look for Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan was not so good at this time, but as a classmate, he took in Liu Bei by his side.

This time the Taiping Road rebelled, Liu Bei joined Gongsun Zan's army and came to Jixian to support him.

Chen Peng sighed with a sigh of good fortune. It seems that Uncle Liu is really a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

However, Chen Peng was also very curious. He wanted to know how without Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, how could he go far in this troubled road full of thorns.

On the city wall of Jixian County, Guo Xun and Liu Wei were looking forward to it.

When they saw the troops coming to support, they both showed happy smiles on their faces.

"Come on, let's go down."

Guo Xun brought Liu Wei and a guard to the gate of Jixian County.

The city gate opened, and Chen Xin and Gongsun Zan walked side by side.

Although Gongsun Zan was the same age as Chen Peng, he was now an official of the imperial court.

Moreover, he is the main general of the three hundred cavalry, and naturally he must be in line with Chen Peng's father, Chen Xin.

As for Chen Peng, he has no official position yet, but only serves as a temporary cavalry general.

"Ha ha!"

"Dafang and Bogui came here, why should the thieves not be broken." Guo Xun, who came out of Jixian City, said with a big smile.

Generous is the word of Chen Peng's father, Chen Xin.

The Chen family has five sons, all of which have a square character in them.

For example, Chen Qun's father, Chen Ji, had the character Yuan Fang, Chen Peng's fourth uncle, Chen Chen, had the character Ji Fang, and Chen Peng's father had the character Dafang.

Facing Guo Xun and Liu Wei, who had left the city from Jixian County, Chen Xin and Gongsun Zan dismounted and saluted.

And Chen Peng, Liu Bei and others also turned over from their horses.

Guo Xun was chatting with Chen Xin and Gongsun Zan, while the prefect Liu Wei was quietly observing the troops brought by the two.

This time, Chen Xin brought a county soldier composed of more than [-] people.

There were two hundred cavalry and eight hundred infantry.

Indifferently, this does not count as Chen Peng's own personal guard.

The cavalry was jointly led by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, while the infantry was led by Chen Xin himself.

When Liu Wei saw Chen Peng and the [-] senior cavalry and [-] senior infantry beside Chen Peng, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The advanced cavalry and infantry, armed almost to the teeth, seemed to stand out from the crowd.

The soldiers recruited by Chen Peng were not only well-equipped, but also extremely tall and unmatched by ordinary soldiers.

In particular, Chen Peng spent a lot of money to recruit [-] high-level cavalry soldiers who consumed nearly [-] pounds of food and grass every day. Just looking at them gave people a strong visual impact.

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