"Come on, everyone, hurry up, the city has already prepared drinks for you to catch the wind. With everyone here, some yellow turban thieves are not enough!"

Guo Xun smiled and took Chen Xin and Gongsun Zan's hands and walked into Jixian City!


Chapter 033, One Hundred Thousand Yellow Turbans Besieged (New Book For Flowers [5/7])

Chapter 033, One Hundred Thousand Yellow Turbans Besieged (New Book For Flowers [5/7])

Youzhou is bitter and cold, and the folk customs are naturally sturdy.

Therefore, Youzhou produces elites, and Youzhou Iron Cavalry is the elite among the elites.

It stands to reason that such a place is definitely the last place the rebels want to conquer.

But this is not the case. In history, Guo Xun and Liu Wei were both killed by the Yellow Turban rebels.

After entering Jixian, Chen Peng knew why.

He didn't see the Youzhou Iron Cavalry, who was leading the world and was dismayed.

I also did not see the Youzhou Army with a sturdy folk customs.

The soldiers responsible for defending the city are all old and weak, and the armor and weapons are not even equipped.

It can be seen that Guo Xun and Liu Wei have collected how much people's fat and people's cream, and the money has been put into the pockets of the two people, and none of them have been used for the construction of Youzhou.

It is precisely because the two are stingy about this that the various counties and counties in Youzhou lack military strength, and it is precisely because of this that the two of them died at the hands of the Yellow Turbans.

Seeing this scene, Chen Peng frowned.

Soon, after entering the city, Chen Peng was placed in a camp in the city.

Gongsun Zan and his father Chen Xin were picked up by Guo Xun and Liu Wei.

In the barracks, Chen Peng asked Zhang Fei and Guan Yu to arrange some arrangements and then recruited the two to come to the barracks to discuss what to do next.

"His grandmother, second brother, these two are definitely corrupt officials, big corrupt officials, have you seen that, those soldiers guarding the city are not even equipped with weapons, these two guys are afraid of death and let us come to support!" Zhang Fei dragged shouted loudly.

"Third brother, be careful, this is not Zhuo County."

Guan Yu said after he was seated.

Chen Peng waved his hand: "Brother, Yide is right, Guo Xun and Liu Wei are corrupt officials."

"If it's not like this, how can Youzhou soldiers be like this?"

"This trip is just because the two are afraid of death, so we came to support." Chen Peng said.

"What does Yi Yunqing mean?"

Guan Yu looked at Chen Peng.

"If it wasn't for the people of Jixian County, I wouldn't care about these two corrupt officials. Such people should die in the chaos of the army." Chen Peng narrowed his eyes, and a murderous intent flashed from his eyes.

"Second brother, let me stab those two guys for [-] holes, and then let you do this bird inspector, the elder brother will be the prefect, and I will be a general!" Zhang Fei shouted.

Chen Peng said with a smile: "Corrupt officials are bound to die, but now is not the time. In the turbulent times, our brothers need a place to live, and Youzhou is the best choice. Brother, Yide, as long as you and my brothers work together , in the future, the world will know the name of your brother and mine!"

"Even if Yun Qing says what to do, leave the rest to me and Yide!" Guan Yu said.

On the night Chen Peng and others entered Jixian County, Guo Xun brought wine and meat to reward the army.

This is also considered two people bleeding.

After resting for a night that night, Chen Peng woke up early the next morning by the rapid sound of a horn sounding on the city wall.

And Guo Xun, who was holding Meiji in the Prefect's Mansion, was also quite frightened.

After putting on some clothes and a set of good armor, Guo Xun asked someone to call Liu Wei, and the two rushed to the city wall of Jixian with their personal guards.

By the time the two reached the city wall, Chen Xin, Chen Peng, Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and others had already climbed the city.

Outside Jixian is dusty.

From the horizon visible to the naked eye, the billowing dust and smoke gradually devoured the open space outside the city like a sandstorm.

In a previous life, Chen Peng heard a sentence that called a person's head to pass Wanlian Mountain into a film.

He has watched football and concerts in stadiums with tens of thousands of people.

But he had never seen more than a hundred thousand people running wild and armed.

In the era of cold weapons, it was the collision of flesh and blood and weapons.

A large number of people is enough to overwhelm the scale of victory.

There are only a handful of tactics in history that win more with less.

In most battles, the side with more people wins.

At this time, outside the city of Jixian, hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans were like locusts, surrounding Jixian in all directions.

One by one, the Yellow Turbans wearing yellow scarves and holding various weapons in their hands surrounded Jixian.

Guo Xun and Liu Wei on the city wall were pale and their hands and feet were cold.

It was too much, and Chen Peng also felt that it was too much.

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