Although he wouldn't judge the exact number, it was definitely more than [-] people.

He thought that with his personal bravery, there were still some elites who could fight a bloody path among the ten thousand armies.

But when he saw the densely packed enemies, Chen Peng dismissed this idea.

It's amazing to be able to survive in this situation.

Chen Peng turned his head and glanced at Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

A ferocious look flashed in Zhang Fei's eyes, and he seemed eager to try.

On the other hand, Guan Yu's face was like water, as if the hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans in front of him did not exist at all.

Until this moment, Chen Peng didn't understand what he meant by a peerless general.

I am afraid that only people like Zhang Fei and Guan Yu will not be frightened when facing such a scene.

At least he can't do it now, but in the future, he definitely will.


Chapter 034: The Yellow Turbans Call Out, Guan Yu's Famous Scene! (New book for flowers [6/7])

Chapter 034: The Yellow Turbans Call Out, Guan Yu's Famous Scene! (New book for flowers [6/7])


Guo Xun, whose hands and feet were weak, swallowed and spit.

"Brother Dafang, you said that Jixian can hold on? It really can't...let's...let's break through."

Guo Xun said timidly.

Chen Xin glanced at Guo Xun, because of his good education, Chen Xin did not swear.


At this time, they broke through. What about the people in the city?

Leave it to the rioters outside?

After the city is broken, the chaotic army will inevitably enter the city to loot. When the time comes, the people in the city will become the chaotic army again. Isn't this snowball rolling bigger and bigger?

Seeing Guo Xun like this, Chen Xin couldn't help but think of Chen Peng's words again.

Perhaps this disaster is not caused by the Yellow Turban thieves, but by the people of the world.

This is still the case with the prefects of a state. What about the prefects, magistrates and other officials of those counties?

"Lord Inspector, rest assured. Although there are many thieves, most of them are ordinary people. They don't know how to fight at all. They just rely on their momentum to suppress people. Behind the high wall of Jixian City, we just need to stick to the city and wait for the imperial army."

Chen Peng glanced at his father's performance much better than Guo Xun and Liu Wei.

The weak Guo Xun also attracted the contempt of Gongsun Zan of the Young Zhuang faction.

"Chen County magistrate said it well, there are only a few thieves, what a shame, at this time, the adults and the prefects can rest assured!" Gongsun Zan said.

"Good good!"

After receiving assurances from Chen Xin and Gongsun Zan, Guo Xun relaxed a little.

outside the city.

After all the Yellow Turbans formed a warlike formation, Chen Peng saw the true essence of the Yellow Turbans.

In his previous life, he had seen a record about an ancient war general in a report.

It is said that how many troops can a good commander command.

The answer is five thousand.

If there are more, then more commanders will be required to coordinate with each other.

Like the kind of battle of hundreds of thousands of people, there are often many commanders and many staffs.

And like the Yellow Turban Army, there is almost no command at all.

A Liang Shuai led several thousand or even less elite Yellow Turbans to form the Yellow Turban Army with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of civilians.

This kind of fighting power can be imagined.

The same is true for the current Yellow Turban Army under the command of Cheng Zhiyuan.

The real elite is only about a thousand people.

And Chen Peng saw Cheng Zhiyuan's elite at a glance.

Under the protection of a group of elites, Cheng Zhiyuan came to the front of the formation and began to call for the formation.

"I'm Cheng Zhiyuan, the son of General Tiangong. People in the city listen, if you don't open the city and surrender, the day the city is destroyed, the dog will not be left!"

"Listen to the rat generation in the city, I am Cheng Zhiyuan, a disciple of General Tiangong. If the city does not surrender, all of them will be executed after the city is destroyed!"

Cheng Zhiyuan's shouting made the city feel more at ease, Guo Xun and Liu Wei, whose legs and feet became weak again, cold sweat on their foreheads.

Chen Peng lowered his head and glanced at Cheng Zhiyuan's attributes outside the city.

Name: Cheng Zhiyuan

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