Age: 35

Force: 61

Domination: 58

Politics: 42

Intelligence: 38

Charisma: 42

Skill: [Morale like a rainbow]: Affected by the general trend, the morale of the soldiers under his command is full, but they cannot stand defeat.

The mediocre attributes are probably not enough for Guan Yu.


A cold snort came from behind Chen Peng.

"The Xiao Xiao people dare to shout, Yun Qing, let me go out of the city and take this person's head!"

Guan Yu squinted Danfeng's eyes and said.

Hearing Guan Yu's words, everyone on the side turned to look at him.

There are hundreds of thousands of troops outside the city. At this time, he dares to leave the city alone?

"No, at this time the enemy's morale is booming, and you can't easily leave the city." Chen Xin said.

Chen Xin is not worried about anything else, but is worried that if Guan Yu loses, he will not be able to come back.

But Chen Peng is not afraid.

This kind of trash fish is simply not enough for the second master.

"Father, it's just a few trash fish, don't worry, let my big brother go." Chen Peng said confidently

Since Chen Peng has said so, Chen Xin is naturally not good at what to say.

"Second brother, I'm going to give the eldest brother a raid!" Zhang Fei shouted.

Chen Peng nodded.

Seeing that someone dared to go out of the city to fight at this time, Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei couldn't help but stare at Guan Yu who was walking down the city.

After a while, the city gate opened a small crack, and then Guan Yu and Zhang Fei rushed out to meet the army of hundreds of thousands and rushed out.

This scene made Chen Peng's blood boil.

Although tens of thousands of people have gone to me, at this moment, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's body is full of the aura of abandoning me.

"Who is coming, report the name quickly, Cheng Mou will not cut the nameless ghost under the knife!" Cheng Zhiyuan pointed at Guan Yu with the big knife in his hand.

Guan Yu, who was dragging the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in one hand, stood in front of the formation, stroked his beard with one hand, and Danfeng narrowed his eyes.

"A thief is also worthy of knowing the name of a certain person? Don't worry, when you go to the underworld, someone will naturally tell you who killed you!" Guan Yu said indifferently.

Chen Peng chuckled lightly on the city wall, the scene of Erye's name is the scene of Erye's name.

"Bold madman, I will teach you a lesson for the general!"

Cheng Zhiyuan rushed out of a teenager with a gun and went straight to Guan Yu.

Immediately Guan Yu stood still, and on the city wall, except for Chen Peng, all carried a heart!


Chapter 035, cut the generals, capture the flag, and flow! (New book for flowers [7/7])

Chapter 035, cut the generals, capture the flag, and flow! (New book for flowers [7/7])

In front of hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans.

Guan Yu, who was walking with a knife, did not change his color.

Zhang Fei, who was not far behind, swept the formation with a snake spear of eight feet in his hand.

Guo Xun, Liu Wei and others on the city wall held their breaths and pressed their hands against the battlements and looked down.

And Liu Bei turned his head to look at Chen Peng.

When he was at the market, he wondered why Chen Peng would turn around to make friends with Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, who slaughtered pigs and sold wine.

But now it seems.

Liu Bei's heart was full of bad taste.

The butcher and Guan Yu, the bean seller, have been setting up stalls with him at the market for a long time.

But why didn't he think about dating the two of them?

"Bold thief, watch me marry you!"

The little yellow scarf leader who rushed out from Cheng Zhiyuan roared angrily.

But before he could hand out the long spear in his hand, a knife light lit up in front of him.

The dazzling sunlight made him close his eyes.

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