Gongsun Zan narrowed his eyes and said, "We pretended to attack.

Afterwards, we actually dispatched cavalry to ambush, and when Lu Zhi wanted to harass our rear, we would use cavalry to pursue it for 100 years!"


Gongsun Zan slapped the small table in front of him and said with a fierce look: "In this way, Lu Zhi will be defeated, and as long as Lu Zhi is defeated, then Jixian will not be able to defend!"

"Gao, Brother Bo Gui is really tall! Now, we can enter Ji County to celebrate within three days!"

Zhang Ju raised a wine bowl and raised a glass to Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan smiled and said nothing.

After drinking three dishes and five flavors, Qiu Liju and Zhang Ju returned to their camp.

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei were left in the tent.

"Bo Gui, Lu Zhi is Shimen's teacher after all, we do this... I'm afraid it is..."

"Afraid of what"

Gongsun Zan, who drank a few more glasses, turned to look at Liu Bei: "Are you trying to say that it's not good?"

Liu Bei was silent for a moment and then nodded.


Gongsun Zan snorted coldly, "He Lu Zhi helped Chen Peng to hunt us down. When he wrote to the court, did he ever think that we were his disciples?"

"If it weren't for our fate, I would have already become a dead bone in the grave today. Xuande, you are fine, but... you are too benevolent and righteous, and this kindness and righteousness may harm you!"

After Gongsun Zan finished speaking, he threw his sleeves and left the tent.

Before leaving the big tent, Gongsun Zan paused and glanced at Liu Bei, "If you don't want to go hunting Lu Zhi, I won't force it.


After speaking, Gongsun Zan walked out of the big tent.

It was not until Gongsun Zan walked out of the tent that Liu Bei raised his head.

It's just that Liu Bei, who raised his head this time, didn't have any guilt and sadness on his face, but a deep thought...

Early the next morning.

When the first ray of sunshine from the east shone on the earth, the melodious sound of horns and the dull sound of war drums came to mind outside the city of Jixian.




When the war drums sounded, the three-way army of the rebels pressed towards Jixian from three directions.

Immediately, the defenders on the Jixian city wall nervously held the weapons in their hands.

Chen Peng's father, Chen Xin, came to the top of the city immediately with a guard.

At this time, Chen Xin's lips were chapped, his face was disheveled, and his armor was also split several times.

In addition, there was a white cloth wrapped around his shoulders, which seemed to be... injured.

"Lord Inspector!"

"Lord Inspector!"

Seeing Chen Xin coming, the surrounding soldiers hurriedly saluted.

At this time, the news of Chen Xin being sealed as a state shepherd has not yet arrived in Youzhou, and even if the news comes at this time, I am afraid that he will not be able to enter the city.

Chen Xin looked at the countless wounded and remnants on the city wall, and looked at the countless rebels outside the city and groaned in his heart.

There are more than [-] people in Jixian city.

If the city is broken, the people in the city will suffer.

After the city is broken, the rebels will surely bloody Jixian for three days.

This bloodbath is not revenge or anything, but the norm.

It is normal for the army to break the city and let the soldiers bloodbath to their heart's content for three days. Only in this way can the soldiers be vented and will be more eager for the next victory.

But the people in the city were unlucky.

Those who resist will be killed, and some who do not resist may be ravaged to death.

Few are spared, except... those noble clans will not be violated.

It takes countless years for a city to regain its vitality after three days like this.

No rhetoric.

All that needs to be said has been said, and all that needs to be done has been done.

Including Chen Xin, all the soldiers are waiting, waiting for the moment when the city can't hold on anymore, maybe they will be freed at that time.

But before that, they still have to fight.

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