
Pulling out the sword with some curled edges around his waist, Chen Xin was a rebel outside the city.

"If I die today, then I will die with everyone!"

"Destroy the enemy and protect the homeland!"

Chen Xin squeaked in a squeamish voice, and blood was oozing from his chapped lips.

The rebels outside the city took the ladder to the top of the city.

The towering towers began to rain arrows.

And just as the rebels began to attack the city, Lu Zhi, who was stationed on the flank of the rebels, ordered three thousand cavalry and began to prepare to attack the flanks of the rebels.

On the rebel side, Gongsun Zan, who has already prepared, is waiting for Lu Zhi to throw himself into the net! "Report to General, Lu Zhi's three thousand cavalry are coming towards our flank!"

A messenger hurriedly came to Gongsun Zan to report.

"it is good!"

A smile appeared on Gongsun Zan's face, and he turned to look at Qiu Liju, the great leader of the Wuhuan.

"We'll see the big leader later, the cavalry is your specialty!"

Gongsun Zan said.

Qiu Liju patted his chest with a thud.

At this time, the flank camp, which should have been empty, had already ambushed tens of thousands of cavalry, waiting for Lu Zhi to throw himself into the net.

Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei, Zhang Ju, Zhang Chun, Qiu Liju and Tadun were all in the flank camp.

The [-] cavalry led by Lu Zhi should be about a thousand meters away from the flank camp: when they were far away, Gongsun Zan suddenly dropped his raised arms.




The drums of war sounded like thunder, and then tens of thousands of cavalrymen rushed out from the flank camp.

And after seeing the tens of thousands of cavalrymen who were killed from the flank camp, Lu Zhi, who was in the lead, quickly turned his horse around.


Then three thousand cavalry under the leadership of Lu Zhi fled wildly.

"Chase, today I will destroy Lu Zhi no matter what!"

"Also, withdraw your troops and let your infantry go to attack Lu Zhi's camp!"

Gongsun Zan ordered.

Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun hurriedly summoned their troops to surround Lu Zhi's camp.

The war of anomalous annihilation seems to be about to begin.

However... just on both sides of the valley on the road of the ultimate road where Lu Zhi escaped, under the sunlight, a red figure stood between the two mountains.

In addition, there are countless cavalry standing behind the red figure.

Black armor, strong and powerful warhorse.

And the grim mask.

Chen Peng wore blood armor and held a war spear.

Behind him, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun stood side by side, followed by the recruited high-level heavy armored cavalry and more than 3 elite cavalry under Chen Peng.


A sound arrow lifted off in the distance.


Chen Peng put down the evil ghost mask inlaid on his helmet and got on his horse.



A cold voice came out from behind Chen Peng's mask.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Gongsun Zan thinks he is a hunter, but he does not know that he is just a prey.

Chen Peng, who was waiting for this opportunity, has been waiting for three days.

Chen Peng, who arrived in Ji County early, did not show up, but...was waiting for this opportunity! Now the opportunity has come.

"Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei, this time this marquis will crush you personally!"

Chen Peng clenched his fist into a fist and said!...Please customize, fully order!...To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 0176, Master and apprentice union, father and son reunite! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 076, Master and apprentice unite, father and son reunite! Please customize, fully order! "Kill!"

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