Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun led the rebels who came to encircle the camp with a total of [-] or [-].

But these [-] or [-] people were all made up of chaotic people just like the Yellow Turbans.

Although the number is huge, the actual combat effectiveness is pitifully low, similar to that of the Yellow Turbans.

What was even more unfortunate was that they encountered the elites under Lu Zhi, as well as Chen Peng, who went from Youzhou to Jizhou, and then to Luoyang in Liangzhou to fight the invincible elites all over the world.

There are also Dian Wei, Sun Ce, and Ma Chao and other super-first-class generals sitting in town.

Xi Zhicai stood on top of the high chariot holding the tricolor command flag.

On the snow-covered plain, countless rebels shouting to kill, with their heads steaming hot, spread their big feet and rushed towards the camp where Xi Zhicai was.

However, what awaited them was not a panicked army, but a small phalanx of 100 people.

Standing at the forefront were seven thousand archers.

These seven thousand archers were not only archers, but also carried behind their backs: a shield and a ringed sword.

A small phalanx formed by a hundred archers all bent their bows and took arrows to their feet! "Get up!"

Xi Zhicai waved the first yellow command flag in his hand! Immediately, the seventy-hundred-person phalanx raised their bows and arrows.


When the red flag in Xi Zhicai's hand was gathered.

Every small school in the [-]-person phalanx gave a loud voice, and then passed the voice to the ears of every leader and team leader, and then the leader and team leader passed it on with the same shout.

In this way, a ladder-shaped way of conveying the message was formed, so that the [-] people covering an extremely wide area received the news at once.

Then, seven thousand full-stringed bows and arrows were thrown into the air.

When the first wave of rebels rushing towards the camp was running and suddenly felt a darkness above their heads, some people couldn't help but stop.

"Hey, why is it getting dark?"

The first group of rebels who rushed up ran and looked up.

Countless bows and arrows, like dark clouds, covered the scorching sun in the sky and fell directly head-on.

The arrow rain formation composed of 100 people and [-] square formations is like a huge black fist.

As long as it falls among the rebels, it forms a vacuum like a fist hitting the ground.

Within the scope of this vacuum, all the rebels in the charge were shot to the ground.

And this rain of arrows is only the first round.

There is never any sympathy in war.

in spite of……

You are young and old and never have the slightest mercy.

Group after group fell on the way the rebels charged.

It wasn't until there were still dozens of steps away that the seven thousand archers retreated, put away the bows and arrows in their hands, and took down the round shield and the ring-shaped sword behind them.

But the nightmare waiting for the rebels has just begun.

Rows of soldiers with large shields blocked the front, like a castle built with steel.

The large shields, which are nearly one person high, are extremely strong, and behind each large shield are two soldiers pushing.

The bottom of the large shield is barb, so that when the shield falls, it will pierce into the soil and not easily shaken.

This shield was invented to deal with cavalry charges.

However, when it is used on people now, it is conceivable how well-balanced it is.

And there is a spearman in every position between the big shield and the big shield.

As soon as the rebels collided with the great shield, the sharp spears would pierce.

"Raise your shield!"


"Raise your shield!"


After harvesting a batch of rebels, the soldier holding the shield will adjust his shield forward, and the soldiers behind him will follow.

And those... The rebels who have fallen and are not dead will fall behind the shield formation, and the soldiers who have replaced the ring head sword and the round shield will start to make up for the sword.

Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun, who were riding on the horse and followed by hundreds of cavalry, were blinded when they saw this scene! Isn't Lu Zhi only 400 cavalrymen? .

Why is it that there are no less than [-] people in front of him?

And what kind of tactics is this? Before the fierce formation of this group, some soldiers have already started to run back.

"Quick, let the supervising team go up, those who fall back will be killed without mercy, stand up for me!"

Zhang Ju pulled out his saber and pointed at the soldiers who were running back and shouted.

The more than a hundred cavalry that rushed out went straight to the soldiers who... begged for a meal: hack and kill.

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