However, compared to the slashing and slashing of the supervising team, it was even more terrifying that the shield formation could not be rushed, and the enemy could not even see it.

So this terrifying rebel army consisting of peasants, refugees, and once the Yellow Turbans with low combat effectiveness began to flee on a large scale! After seeing the rebels in front of them starting to flee, Xi Zhicai dispatched Dian Wei to kill him. god.

And the two-axe Berserker led by Dian Wei is simply... a nightmare for the rebels.

Holding a pair of mace, Dian Wei, who is more than nine feet tall, looks like a murderer in the crowd.

There is not a single complete corpse under his hands.

And those... Berserkers with double-edged battle axes are just as vicious as Dian Wei.

"Escape, they are not human!"


"Please, I surrender, don't kill me!"

A young man was lying on the ground and his feet kept stomping on the ground, but his weak legs lacked any strength.

The young man with a terrified expression on his face begged for mercy.


A double-edged battle axe directly cut his head.

These... soldiers recruited from the barracks have no emotion at all.

In front of them, there are only enemies.

Tens of thousands of troops began to rout and ran towards the big camp outside Jixian City.

Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun were also wrapped in the army and fled back.

In the rebel camp outside Jixian City.

Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and others are organizing an attack on Ji County.

However, the Wuhuan cavalry and the rebels led by Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun, who had fled back in a hurry outside the camp, ran back as if they were dying.

"What's the matter, what's the matter!"

The soldiers who saw the defeat were about to rush into the camp.

Once these rout soldiers are allowed to rush into the camp, it will be a disaster like destruction.

These... rout soldiers will quickly wrap everyone into a rout army, a thousand miles away! "Close the camp door, can't let it: they come in, immediately close the camp door!"

Gongsun Zan shouted loudly.

Qiu Liju on the side was also stunned.

How come the cavalry under his command has been defeated, but the speed of closing the camp gate is still too slow.

The defeated army rushed into the promise and instantly formed the trend of rolling bead curtains.

Behind the collapsed army, Chen Peng was still there: driving the Wuhuan cavalry like a beast.

On the other side, the army commanded by Xi Zhicai was also driving away the rebels under Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun.

"It's over!"

Gongsun Zan, who was watching the influx of countless defeated troops in the camp, said absentmindedly.

"Bogui, let's go quickly, there must be reinforcements to support Jixian, and now we can go to the funeral!"

Liu Bei pulled Gongsun Zan.

The surrounding personal soldiers hurriedly helped Gongsun Zan to mount the warhorse, and then began to flee.

In Jixian city, Chen Xin, who was ready to die, saw the cavalry chasing after the rebels.

The Chinese characters embroidered on the black battle flags fluttered in the wind.

"It's my son who's back, it's my son who's back!"

Chen Xin shouted excitedly.

The soldiers on the surrounding Jixian city walls were stunned when they heard it.

I casually reacted to who my son was shouting from the prefect Chen Xin's mouth.

Now the champion of the Han Dynasty, Hou.

The Zuo General who once defeated the main force of the Yellow Turbans and then went on an expedition to the northwest rebels! The legendary Chen Peng who was invincible and invincible is back! Immediately, countless soldiers on the city wall of Jixian County raised their weapons and cheered! "Open the city gate. , rush out and defeat the rebels!"

Although the number of rebels seems to be a lot.

However, in fact, only the Wuhuan cavalry, as well as some men and horses under Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei, were the strongest in combat.

Most of the rest are made up of rioters.

It's alright to have a tailwind.

When encountering a division of a hundred battles led by Chen Peng, there is naturally only one ending.

By the time the defeated army rushed into the camp, everything was doomed.

Qiu Liju, his servant Tadun, Gongsun Zan, and Liu Bei were all wrapped up in the defeated army and headed towards Shanggu County.

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