As for Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun, they were not so lucky.

He was directly captured by a charge from Sun Ce and Ma Chao.

At the city gate of Jixian, Chen Xin was wrapped in a blood-stained white robe.

And Chen Peng came outside the city gate accompanied by Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others.

"The child is not filial, and the father suffers.


Chen Peng, who came down immediately, knelt on the ground.

A smile appeared on Chen Xin's weathered face, and his eyes were sore: "My son has grown up!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0177, Luoyang situation, Dong Zhuo's ambition! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 077 The situation in Luoyang, Dong Zhuo's ambitions! Please customize, fully order! "Husband, husband!"

Accompanied by a call like a lark, Princess Wan Nian in a long goose-yellow dress trotted to Chen Peng's side.

At this time, Chen Peng was sitting in the garden of his mansion in Jixian County.

The early spring has just arrived, a little bit of greenery in the garden has sprung up from the soil that has been frozen for a winter, and the branches are also full of green teeth.

It took Wannian Princess Liu Yao a month to get out of the pain of losing her father.

At this time, Princess Wannian has regained her lively and lovely side...  

Princess Wannian, who was holding a skirt in both hands, chased Cai Zhenji and Cai Wenji sisters.

In an instant, the garden was filled with laughter.

Soon, Xi Nianyi and Xiaoyueshi's sacrifice Yueyinwu also followed Zhen Jiang and Gan Jing from the backyard.

Several women stood in the garden, as chaotic and charming as a hundred flowers competing for their beauty.

Surrounded by the girls, Chen Peng listened to the girls chattering and frolic beside him.

A maid came from a distance and came to Chen Peng's side to bow and saluted: "Master Hou, General Dian is asking to see you outside!"

Hearing that Dian Wei begged to meet, Chen Peng stood up and walked outside.

After passing through the corridor of the middle courtyard, Chen Peng came to the main hall of the front courtyard.

"Master Hou, the military advisor sent a letter from outside the city, saying that there was a change in Luoyang, and asked the general to go to the camp outside the city!"

Dian Wei said to Chen Peng.

Luoyang Youchang wore an embroidered black cloud-patterned robe, Chen Pengjian frowned slightly, and the attendants in the main hall suddenly felt like they were in an abyss.

Even Dian Wei, who was standing opposite Chen Peng, felt a lot of coercion.

Since Chen Peng completely lifted the shackles and did not cover up his force, the power on his body became more and more intense.

In the past, Chen Peng gave the impression that he was a Confucian general holding a feather fan and nylon.

But it was later discovered that this was not the case.

Chen Peng is not only a commander, but also a commander with super-powerful force.

"Let's go, go with Ben Hou to the camp outside the city!"

Chen Peng said and took Dian Wei towards the camp outside Jixian City.

It has been three months since the last rebel siege of Jixian.

It is now the beginning of April.

And more than two months ago, He Jin supported the prince Bian to ascend to the throne and succeeded to the throne.

After defeating the rebels, Chen Peng did not order the pursuit.

At that time, the New Year was just around the corner, and it was not suitable for long-distance battles in winter.

Therefore, they did not pursue and kill Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei.

There are [-] troops stationed three miles outside Jixian city.

Xi Zhicai in the military tent has been waiting for Chen Peng for a long time.

As soon as Chen Peng came in, Xi Zhicai came to Chen Peng's side impatiently with a letter in hand.

"My lord, Luoyang sent information that the general He Jin is dead!"

After Xi Zhicai came up, he sent the information in his hand to Chen Peng.


He Jin died so quickly! Chen Peng took a look at the letter from Xi Zhicai.

It states when He Jin was executed for what reason.

But it started three months ago.

Three months ago, because he wanted to return to the army to rescue Jixian, he withdrew his troops from Luoyang.

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