At that time, He Jin surrounded the imperial city, and in the end Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others surrendered to He Jin and opened the gate of the imperial palace with Jian Shuo's head as a vote.

Jian Shuo thought that He Jin had no scruples, and after confirming Liu Hong's death, he supported his nephew Liu Bian to become emperor.

When Liu Bian became emperor, He Jin immediately.

The tide is rising.

He Jin, who has soldiers and soldiers in his hands, certainly doesn't take anyone in his eyes.

For a time, the imperial court was also filled with smog, and He Jin covered the sky with one hand.

Zhang Rang and the others killed Jian Shuo in order to save their lives, they thought they would be safe.

But He Jin never wanted Zhang Rang and the others to live.

Shortly after Liu Bian's registration, the situation in the DPRK and China stabilized, He Jin wanted to execute Zhang Rang, and informed Empress He of this time.

At this time, the Empress Dowager Dong had been expelled by He Jin back to her hometown, and He Jin sent people to kill her on the way.

Empress He is solitary in the harem. Liu Bian is still young, so Empress He wants to rely on Zhang Rang and others, so she will not let He Jin kill Zhang Rang.

"My lord, the general He Jin wanted to secretly kill Zhang Rang, but he leaked the news and was noticed by Zhang Rang and others in advance. Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong and others recruited He Jin into the palace under the pretense of Empress He, and then in the palace He Jin was executed in the middle!"

Xi Zhicai said in disbelief.

It's not surprising that Xi Zhi can't believe it.

He Jin had a good hand in his hand but was beaten to a pulp, not to mention losing his own life! It's just... absurd.

It is not only absurd but also very strange! Holding the military and political power, it can be said that He Jin, who has no fear, can be killed by Zhang Ran and others who have no power and power! Isn't it a joke to say it! The joke is that the general He Jin, who had a powerful hand in the government and the opposition, was killed by Zhang Rang in the palace! But Chen Peng, who was watching the information, was not surprised.

Because he knew that things would never be so simple.

"My lord, He Jinyi, I'm afraid it will be the second round of chaos, should we prepare in advance?"

Xi Zhicai looked at Chen Peng and asked.

Chen Peng nodded.

Yes, it should be ready now.

When He Jin dies, Dong Zhuo will quickly gain power.

At that time, Dong Zhuo, who is far more brutal than He Jin, will immediately tear open the last layer of the fig leaf of the Han Dynasty.

I just don't know what the eighteen princes of this life will look like.

Chen Peng felt some expectations.

But before that, he still needs to prepare.

"External riots must come first. Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei have been entrenched in Shanggu County for three months. It's time to pull them out... and Karasuma must also be eradicated!"

"Only when there is no threat from the rear, can we move forward with confidence and boldness, let us inform people that they will pay close attention to Luoyang's movements, and also inform the various armies to prepare to mobilize against Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei!"

Chen Peng ordered in one breath...  

Youzhou is in a state of tension, while Luoyang City is also surging.

He Jin's death brought a short period of peace.

After killing He Jin, Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong... the eunuchs who had been around for a while were finally uprooted.

The court ushered in a situation dominated by scholars for a short time.

It is not someone else who is leading all of this, it is the Yuan family who is famous all over the world.

Master Yuan Hui! At this time, Yuan Hui was sitting in his study, holding a bamboo slip in one hand, and Yuan Hui's face was full of complacent colors.

Now that the Great General He Jin is dead, the Shi Changshi is dead, and Yuan Wei is the leader of the court for a while.

Therefore, Yuan Wei at this time is naturally proud of the spring breeze.

And he is proud not only that there is no reason to oppose him in the court.

He's proud that it's all done by him.

"Hmph, how can He Jin dare to stand above the old man with his ability to kill the family, and it is not easy for the old man to do a little trick and win it easily"

Yuan Hui was very happy.


Yuan Wei was immersed in his own joy, when a soft call came from outside the door of the study.

"It's the road, come in.


Yuan Wei, who put down the letter in his hand and restrained the emotions on his face, said.

Then, Yuan Shu, who was shorter than Yuan Shu and had a thin face, walked in.

After entering the door, Yuan Shu's face was full of anger, and he looked very unhappy.

"What's wrong"

Yuan Hui, who saw Yuan Shu like this, asked.

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