"Come on, Fengxian, I will toast your wine bowl!"

Dong Zhuo, who was sitting on the main seat, was the first to raise the wine bowl: "Fengxian, I respect heroes the most in my life, come, Fengxian!"

Dong Zhuo, who raised the wine bowl, drank it all.

"Thank you, General, how could Lu Bu He De make the General take this seriously!"

Lu Bu was grateful.

After Dong Zhuo toasted, Bian Chong Hua Xiong and the others nodded slightly.

Then Hua Xiong and others took turns toasting Lu Bu one by one.

And the content of the words is how to admire the hero of Lu Bu.

Li Ru, who was sitting not far from Dong Zhuo, saw Lu Bu who was eating bowl after bowl and nodded slightly towards Dong Zhuo, showing a smile.

Lu Bu, who had just drunk in his camp, was already a little drunk.

"Fengxian, I heard my subordinates say that now Fengxian is only a small boss under Ding Jianyang. Could Ding Jianyang be so confused that he made Fengxian only a small boss?"

Dong Zhuo looked at Lu Bu, whose face was a little red, and was seven percent drunk.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Lu Bu immediately suppressed the smile on his face.

He said vaguely: "Ding Yuan... Ding Yuan is just... I'm confused, I, Lu Bu, fought in all directions for him in Bingzhou.


"There's no reason, Feng Xian, how can a man be under the leadership of others? Ding is just relying on Feng Xian, otherwise, what kind of virtue and ability does he deserve? Feng Xian should buy life for him and serve him."

When Dong Zhuo saw that Lv Bu was full of dissatisfaction with Ding Yuan, he knew his chance was coming, so he struck while the iron was hot.

"Fengxian, although I, Dong Zhuo, are not a big man, I am also willing to share the wealth and honor with my subordinates. If Fengxian is willing to come to me, I am willing to recognize Fengxian as his adopted son, and give Fengxian an official title. !"

Dong Zhuo looked at Lu Bu expectantly and said.

And Lu Bu immediately sobered up after hearing Dong Zhuo's words. 3! Dong Zhuo's words made him feel the same way!

Chapter 0180, Lu Bu kills Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo shakes the court! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 080, Lu Bu kills Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo shakes the court! Please order, all orders! "Get up!"

"Get up now!"

Lu Bu, who was still in his sleep, stumbled and heard a shout! The voice was extremely familiar.

It was Ding Yuan who hurried back from Luoyang City! At this time, Ding Yuan was standing in Lv Bu's tent in a rage.

The soldier behind him lowered his head and dared not speak.

Lu Bu, who was drunk last night, opened his eyes and saw Ding Yuan.

He was stunned at first, but he reacted immediately.

"What happened to foster father so early"

Lu Bu asked after sitting up.

"what's the matter"

Ding Yuan's voice was a little cold, and his face was warm and angry: "You are too embarrassed to ask me what's going on, don't call me foster father!"

Ding Yuan pointed at Lu Bu: "Tell me, what did you do last night!"

This angry shout completely awakened Lu Bu.

What did you do last night, of course, you went to Dong Zhuo's side for a banquet.

He remembered it when he went, but Lu Bu, who came back, doesn't remember much.

"Foster father, I just went to General Zhenxi for a banquet last night, why is my foster father so angry?"

Lu Bu looked at Ding Yuan and asked with a frown.


Ding Yuan gritted his teeth and pointed at Lv Bu: "Who asked you to go to the banquet, you were not in the camp, but went to Dong Zhuo's place to go to the banquet, you are trying to trap me in injustice, do you know, don't call me righteous? Father, I have no adopted son like you!"

Ding Yuan roared angrily.

Early this morning, Ding Yuan heard about Lv Bu's entry into Dong Zhuo's camp last night.

He hurried back immediately.

What is the relationship between Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo now? Ding Yuan himself was used to check and balance Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army in Luoyang.

This was Yuan Wei's order to Ding Yuan.

And now his subordinates of Ding Yuan have appeared in Dong Zhuo's camp, this is not what is wrong with him! "You now! Immediately! Immediately pack my things for me and go back to Jiuyuan...


Ding Yuan pointed the whip in his hand outside the tent.

Lu Bu, who stood up, was stunned.

Go back to Jiuyuan.

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