What does it mean that Ding Yuan is trying to drive him away, thinking that Lu Bu is getting more and more aggrieved.

Since Bingzhou, he has been beheading and killing the enemy to help Ding Yuan secure his position as the prefect of Bingzhou.

After coming to Luoyang, I tried my best.

How come there is no credit so far, and the more I think about Lu Bu, the more aggrieved I become.

"I'm just... going out for a drink, are you going to drive me back to Bingzhou?"

"Lord Inspector, I, Lu Bu, asked myself that there is no place to feel sorry for you, why did you treat me like this?"

"Am I not good enough"

Lu Bu asked loudly.

It's good that Lu Bu didn't say so, but Ding Yuan got even more angry when he said so.

"Lu Bu, if I hadn't taken you in, you wouldn't be a fart, why are your wings now hard and you want to fly by yourself?"

Ding Yuan pointed at Lu Bu with the whip in his hand: "Don't think you can catch Dong Zhuo!"

"This is Luoyang, as long as the nobles in the city say a word, Dong Zhuo will go back to Xiliang in despair.

As he said that, Ding Yuan also whipped Lv Bu with the whip in his hand.

It just didn't wait for the whip in Ding Yuan's hand to fall.

He was caught tightly by a big hand.

Lu Bu stretched out his hand and grabbed Ding Yuan's wrist directly.

An angry Ding Yuan raised his head and looked at Lu Bu.

Looking at Lu Bu, Ding Yuan saw the crazy killing intent in Lu Bu's eyes.

At this moment, Ding Yuan was a little panicked.

"You beat me! How dare you beat me with a horse whip!"

Lu Bu's eyes were congested, and thin red bloodshots instantly filled his eyes.

"I, Lu Bu, fought in all directions for you, helped you secure your position as governor, made you the general of Zhenxi, and made you a marquis. That's how you treated me."

Lu Bu, who was holding Ding Yuan's wrist in one hand, looked more and more crazy! "You keep saying that you value me, but I'm just a boss now, and even Zhang Liao's official position is higher than me!"

"You keep saying that you value me, and you are reluctant to give me a good horse!"

"In front of everyone, he scolded me at will as a servant"

"You forced me!"

The expression on Lu Bu's face began to distort.

And Ding Principle is aware that something is not good.

But before he could open his mouth to defend, Lu Bu's other big hand pinched directly on Ding Yuan's neck.

"I, Lu Bu, are a man, how can you still dare to humiliate me like this!"

"I kill you!"

As he spoke, Lu Bu crushed Ding Yuan's throat.

Just listen to "click"

After a loud noise, Ding Yuan didn't even have time to say a word.... His neck twitched.

The two soldiers standing in the battalion were broken.

His eyes widened, his mouth widened, and he stood there shivering for a while without moving.

After pinching Ding Yuan to death, Lu Bu also realized that he had committed a big thing.

Lu Bu, who had no time to think about it, directly kicked Fang Tianhuaji and then swept away.

The sharp point of the halberd slashed directly through the soldier's throat.

Blood sprayed on the ground.

There was silence in the camp for a moment.

And Lu Bu, who was holding the Fang Tianhua Halberd, swallowed two mouthfuls of spit in succession, and cold sweat fell on his forehead.

Just for a while.... Impulsive Lu Bu has no test results at all.

But after killing Ding Yuan, he realized that the matter was serious.

If it is known that he killed Ding Yuan, there is a wanted criminal in the court, and there is no place for him in this world.

Where can he escape to go back to Bingzhou and become a pirate, or escape to the grasslands and stay in the uninhabited land in the future! He traveled thousands of miles from Bingzhou to Luoyang.

How can it escape like a lost dog! "What to do!"

"How to do!"

Lu Bu in the tent was walking back and forth.

Lu Bu, who was walking, suddenly stopped.

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