"Zi Long!"

"My lord, the end is here!"

After hearing Chen Peng's call, Zhao Yun stepped forward and knelt down on one knee.

"This set of armor is called Yinshuang, and Ben Marquis gave it to you today. This armor is your symbol and the name of your future legion. With this armor, you can recruit 3 soldiers to form the Yinshuang Army. After this expedition , Ben Hou will assign you a special cavalry!"

Zhao Yun does not say that he is loyal and brave, and he is also both civil and military. Although he is still young, he can already exercise.

In the future, he will definitely be a great helper for him.

Zhao Yun, who put on the silver frost armor, looked more energetic, and also had a smile on his face.

Being able to lead an army by oneself represents Chen Peng's recognition.

So of course Zhao Yun is happy.

In the end, the only ones left were Sun Ce and Ma Chao.

Although they knew in their hearts that they could not be granted armor, the two still had some expectations in their hearts.

Sun Ce was dissatisfied and hated from the very beginning.

Later, after witnessing Chen Peng stepping out of miracles and defeating powerful enemies again and again, he began to become convinced.


Chen Peng tore off two pieces of black cloth covering the armor at the same time.

Immediately, a set of black and a set of crimson armor was displayed in front of everyone.

Sun Ce and Ma Chao were excited when they saw these two sets of armor.

Chen Peng first looked at Sun Ce.

The moment he accepted Sun Ce, he was ready to lay a foreshadowing in Jiangdong.

Now the foreshadowing is about to open.

The turbulent times came, and Sun Ce was destined to become the overlord of Jiangdong.

But this time, everything will be under his control! "Bo Fu, this armor is called Overlord Armor, and it was built by Ben Hou according to the style of the armor of Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu recorded in ancient books. When I accepted you, I said that I would treat you equally!"

While talking, Chen Peng waved his hand and asked the soldiers to carry the Overlord Armor in front of Sun Ce.

"Your performance this year is very good, but the young eagle will eventually fly into the sky one day. Ben Hou can't let it go: it's not that you don't trust you in the new army, but you have more important things to accomplish! This The Overlord Armor will be a gift before leaving!"

Chen Peng said.

This time, Chen Peng personally walked down from the platform and came to Sun Ce together.

This year Sun Ce has become: a lot more calm, quite the style of a general.

"General, I...I am willing to stay.


Sun Ce lowered his head and said.

Chen Peng smiled slightly, then shook his head and patted Sun Ce's shoulder gently: "Don't worry, we will meet again in the future, maybe we will meet in a few months!"

Chen Peng said that a few months later, the sour jujube will of course meet the eighteen princes to ask for Dong! It's just that it's hard to say how many princes there will be this time.

After all, Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei would definitely not be able to go.

Sun Ce could only nod in disappointment with the Overlord Armor in his arms.

The last one, Chen Peng came to Ma Chao.

Ma Chao stood there straight.

Chen Peng didn't say much, he personally came to the last set of armor that was carried down by the soldiers, then took the armor with his own hands, and came to Ma Chao's side.

"This armor is called Tian Gujia.


As for why it is called Tiangujia, it is mainly because of Ma Chao's ups and downs in his life.

Born in Xiliang, half of the Qiang-like Han bloodlines make him irrelevant...

Not welcome anywhere.

Even if he turned to Liu Bei later, he was disappointed, and finally he died in the middle of Shu.

So Chen Peng named this armor Tiangujia.

At this time, Chen Peng took the Tiangu armor himself and put it on for Ma Chao himself.

Ma Chao, who was at a loss at first, suddenly widened his eyes and was shocked.

"My lord, I..."

Ma Chao's voice was a little choked.

It is such an honor to have Chen Peng put on his armor with his own hands. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Chen Peng's righteous brothers, and they have no such honor.

And Zhao Yundian and Wei are Chen Peng's right-hand man, and there is no such honor.

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