He, Ma Chao, has not been able to subdue a general, how can he let Chen Peng help himself to put on the armor, but Chen Peng just did it.

"Meng Qi's ability Ben Hou knows better than anyone else, and from the day you surrendered, Ben Hou said that you will definitely treat everyone equally, this day Gujia is... Ben Hou personally created it for you.


"I hope you will wear this armor to make achievements on the battlefield and be famous forever.


After helping Ma Chao put on the Tiangu armor, Chen Peng patted Ma Chao on the shoulder: "I am looking forward to it, and I look forward to your time to lead the army alone in the future.



Ma Chao knelt down on the ground: "My lord treats Ma Chao like this, Ma Chao is bound to die, and he has already repaid the lord's great kindness!"

"Haha, what this lord wants is not that you die, but that you live, be good, or that this lord will fight in all directions!"

Chen Peng helped Ma Chao up behind him, then turned around and returned to the point-to-point platform.

Countless generals and soldiers looked at Guan Yu and the others with envious eyes.

Chen Peng, who had a sword on his waist in one hand, looked around at the crowd of people on the school grounds and shouted loudly: "In this army, everyone who has meritorious deeds will be rewarded; , the lintel of light!"

"Now, target Shanggu County, go!"

Chen Peng waved his hand, and then tens of thousands of troops marched straight to Shanggu County.

At this time, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan were entrenched in Shanggu County! And Chen Peng, who was preparing to fight in the Central Plains, had to deal with the two people behind him before the war came! Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read, collect, recommend, Minute

Chapter 0183, Gongsun Zan's end, cut Hu Yuan Shao! (please customize, fully order!)


Shanggu County, Zhuolu County.

At this time, countless cloud ladders on the outer city of Zhuolu County were erected on the city wall of Zhuolu County.

Countless soldiers are clinging to the city wall of Zhuolu County along the ladder.

And the defenders on the city wall are desperately resisting.

The commander of the Qinglong Army, Guan Yu, attacked from the front.

Dian Wei, the main general of the Tiger Mighty Army, was attacking from behind, and the city head of Zhuolu County was crumbling under the attack of the two sides, and there was a possibility of being breached at any time.

"Step aside!"

Guan Yu, who had been unable to capture the city wall for a long time, became anxious.

After putting the Qinglong Yanyue Sword aside, he reached out and took a ring-head sword and a side... Shield.

"Qinglongwei will go to the city with this general. We must conquer the city before sunset today. If you don't do your best, you will be killed after the battle!"

Speaking of which, Guan Yu, who was wearing the blue dragon armor, held up his shield and charged towards the city head with the arrows shot down from the top of his head.

Outside the city of Zhuolu County.

Chen Peng was standing not far from Zhuolu County, watching the army that was attacking the city.

It has been almost a month since we set out from Jixian.

In less than a month, he pushed the entire Shanggu County sideways.

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei's painstakingly built base was destroyed by his horizontal push.

And now this Zhuolu County is Gongsun Zan's last fortress.

After the surrounding cities were breached, Gongsun Zan rushed all his troops to Zhuolu County, and was ready to stubbornly defend.

Today is the tenth day of the siege.

The battle was already fierce.

"My lord, General Guan has personally entered the battle. It looks like Zhuolu County will be able to break through before dark today!"

Xi Zhicai, who is at the right hand of Chen Peng, said.

After hearing this, Chen Peng nodded: "This is not what Ben Hou is concerned about now, what's going on in Luoyang City recently?"

While looking at the Qinglong Army that was attacking the city in the distance, Chen Peng asked with his mouth open.

Xi Zhicai sorted out the latest information.

"Reporting to the lord, Luoyang City has been in chaos recently. According to the information sent back from Luoyang City, after Dong Zhuo occupied Luoyang, the gentry began to flee in large numbers.


"Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao and others all escaped from Luoyang City, and Dong Zhuo recklessly led the government after Yuan Hui, and supported the Prince's Association to become emperor. This move was opposed by many people.


"But Dong Zhuo resolutely made Liu Xie emperor despite his opposition.


Xi Zhicai said.

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