

First, a low horn sounded, followed by the sound of the dull war drums of the three links, the gate of Suanzao opened wide, and a cavalry general rushed out with a big knife in his hand.

"No matter Hua Xiong, I am Yu She, a general under General Hou's command, and I will not come forward and die!"

"Ha ha!"

Hua Xiong, who was squinting in the distance, sneered and stood on the spot without even moving.

"Arrogant, hold me a knife!"

Feeling insulted, Yu She roared and fell.

Hua Xiong flicked the reins of the war horse in his hand, and then turned slightly sideways to avoid Yu She's knife.

After dodging a knife, Hua Xiong followed with a knife from bottom to top.


The sound of a disembodied belly rang out.

Yu She, who was clamoring to kill Hua Xiong just now, stared down at his chest with wide eyes.

Inside the broken armor, the intestines and stomach suddenly flowed all over the place.

After that, Yu She swayed all by himself and fell off his horse with a bang.




The Xiliang Army behind Hua Xiong let out a burst of shouts.

And the soldiers on Suanzao City were terrified! In Suanzao City, Cao Cao was explaining in detail how to divide his troops and go to Luoyang.

The messenger who had just gone out with Yu She ran in.

"Reporting to the leader, it's not good, General Yu and Hua Xiong were cut off after less than a round of fighting!"


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Chapter 0190, without Guan Yu, who will kill Huaxiong? (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 090 Without Guan Yu, who will kill Hua Xiong and ask for a custom order! "What!"

Yuan Shu was taken aback.

"What did you just say who was beheaded"

Yuan Shu asked in disbelief.

"General after the report, it was General Yu who was beheaded. After leaving the city, General Yu and Hua Xiong fought for less than a round before being beheaded!"

The messenger lowered his head and said.


Yuan Shu looked embarrassed.

It doesn't matter if one of his subordinates died, the problem is that he was still there just now: he mocked Hua Xiong as an unknown junior, and in a blink of an eye, a general was beheaded.

This slap came too fast.

Cao Cao chuckled and looked at Yuan Shu.

Huaxiong's bravery, Cao Cao is naturally clear, after all, he stayed under Dong Zhuo's tent for a period of time.

And the more important reference... is Zhao Yun under Chen Peng.

So far, Cao Cao has found that none of the generals under Chen Peng's command are ordinary people, and all of them have undue courage.

Although Cao Cao has never seen Zhao Yun make a move, but Chen Peng brought Zhao Yun by his side, how could Zhao Yun's reach be bad? It is rumored that Zhao Yun is only slightly better than Hua Xiong, which shows Hua Xiong's bravery.

"Haha, this Hua Xiong is a bit capable!"

Yuan Shao took a step forward: "Who wants to fight Huaxiong!"

This time Yuan Shu didn't say anything.

And the surrounding princes did not intend to fight.

Jizhou Mu Han Fu stood behind Yuan Shao and took a step forward: "Yuan Gong, I have General Pan Feng, holding a large axe weighing [-] jin, within three axe will definitely take Huaxiong's head!"

"it is good!"

Yuan Shao laughed and agreed, "Where is Pan Feng!"

A general came out of the crowd, eight feet tall and unusually burly.

"The end is here!"

Yuan Shao looked up and down at Pan Feng and asked, "Do you dare to fight?"

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