Pan Feng raised his head proudly: "Why don't you dare, my big axe is already hungry and thirsty!"

"it is good!"

Yuan Shao said with a smile: "If you can behead Hua Xiong under the horse, the reward will be [-] taels, and you will be given [-] good horses!"

"Come on, let's drink!"

Left and right: After bringing the wine, Yuan Shao raised his glass to Pan Feng: "This wine is to cheer for General Pan!"

After saying that, Yuan Shao drank it all.

After draining the wine in the cup, Pan Feng wiped the corner of his mouth: Then he took the axe and headed out of the city.

Looking at Pan Fengyuan's back, Cao Cao shook his head.

Outside the city, Hua Xiong was still standing with a knife.

After the soldiers on Suanzao City saw that another general was fighting, they immediately.

Start playing the drums.

After the three-way battle drum, Pan Feng had already rushed to Huaxiong's front.

"Hua Xiong, die!"

Pan Feng roared, and the axe in his hand turned towards Hua Xiong.

For... such a nobody, Hua Xiong didn't even have the desire to know the name of the other party.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any….

In Hua Xiong's eyes, the opponent's move was simply... full of loopholes! An axe fell from Pan Feng's hand, and he was waiting to cut down Hua Xiong. Instead, the axe in his hand landed on the ground too heavily.

Taking the opportunity, Hua Xiong was a knife, and he picked Pan Feng into the air, and after the blade reversed, Pan Feng fell from the air in horror, just right on Hua Xiong's big knife.

Pan Feng, died! The soldiers on Suanzao City all stretched their heads and looked down after seeing this scene.

Two generals in a row, died without even holding on to two rounds.

This Huaxiong is too powerful.

In Suanzao City, when the footsteps of the messengers hurriedly sounded again, all the princes raised their hearts.

"Report to the leader of the alliance, a disaster is a disaster! General Pan was cut off from his horse after less than a round of fighting Huaxiong!"

The messenger stumbled to his knees on the ground and said.

"What was cut again"

Yuan Shao was a little shocked.

And the many princes in the palace also looked ugly.

"Who else dares to fight against Huaxiong, who won a bounty of a thousand taels and a hundred good horses!"

Yuan Shao looked at the surrounding princes and said.

But no one dared to say a word.

Yuan Shu sat in his seat as if he didn't hear him.

Cao Ren and Cao Chun who were beside Cao Cao wanted to step forward, but were stopped by Cao Cao.

"A little Huaxiong is so powerful, what about Li Jue, Guo Si, and Lu Bu under Dong Zhuo's command?"

Seeing that no one dared to fight, Yuan Shao wanted to speak up.

However, no one responded to his words at all.

Cao Cao watched from the side, and swept across the faces of many princes one by one.

Among this group of people, there are not many who really want Dong, but...most of them want to make a name for themselves.

At such a time, who would be willing to fight against such a powerful Hua Xiong? If he wins, then he will be famous all over the world.

If it fails, it will be a legacy for thousands of years.

So no one wants to fight.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the lobby turned cold.

Just now: The discussion about the lively Five Route Army's attack on Luoyang is in vain.

Not to mention attacking Luoyang, even this sour jujube can't get out now.

Huaxiong blocked the door, but he dared to fight.

"Hey... If my admiral Yan Liangwen was here, why would he make Hua Xiong so arrogant!"

Yuan Shao sighed and sat back on the throne of his alliance leader.

Everyone Chen Peng was speechless.

Seeing the crowd like this, Cao Cao was greatly disappointed and shook his head again and again.

"A Huaxiong has forced our dozen or so princes to even get out of the city gate, and you are still here to discuss the crusade against Dong Zhuo"

"If we can't even kill Hua Xiong, then if we meet Lu Bu in the future, we'll just kneel down and beg for mercy!"

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