For a while, Cao Cao, who was wearing his sleeves, walked outside with a disappointed look on his face.

But just when Cao Cao's footsteps just lifted up and didn't wait to fall.

Outside the city, I suddenly remembered a thunderous sound of war drums.

The thunderous sound of the drums was followed by the sound of low-pitched horns.

Yuan Shao, who had just sat on the throne of the leader of the alliance, quickly stood up and looked around.

"Who's subordinate is fighting Huaxiong?"

Yuan Shao asked.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and no one answers.

"Isn't it your servant?"

Yuan Shao asked in confusion.

"Go out and see!"

Cao Cao left a sentence and walked out of the city.

Not long after the freshman year, more than a dozen princes appeared one after another on the city wall of Suanzao, looking out of the city.

At this time, there were two corpses a stone's throw away from Suanzao City.

Everyone recognized that they were the bodies of Yuan Shu's general Yu She and Han Fu's general Pan Feng.

The two were already cold by now.

And Huaxiong, who was supposed to face the challenge of Suanzao, has now turned his face to the west of Suanzao.

The three thousand Xiliang iron cavalry also adjusted their attack direction along with Hua Xiong.

Xiliang iron cavalry is good at field battle, not city battle.

All outside are cavalry.

Such a cavalry from Xiliang, I am afraid that all the cavalry in the city together may not be able to fight.

And such cavalry Dong Zhuo has more than one hundred thousand under his command.

How to beat Cao Cao frowned.

When a wisp of dust rose in the west of Suanzao City, many princes turned their gazes.

On the west side of Suanzao, almost a thousand cavalrymen were galloping in the direction of Suanzao.

Although the number is only less than a thousand people, but the power is enough to surpass thousands of troops.

The more than a thousand cavalry that came running were all black helmets and black armor, and even the war horses were wearing horse armor.

For the coalition army lacking cavalry, the cavalry with this equipment can be described as luxurious.

Not only that, in addition to... cavalry, even the horses that the cavalry rides are all pure black war horses.

And they are all Youzhou war horses of good quality.

The leader of the generals was dressed in blood armor, and a dark red cloak on the back was like blood that could not be melted.

How can there be that two feet, just the handle and the scarlet war spear with the thickness of an egg.

"It's Chen Peng!"

Although he didn't raise the flag, Cao Cao, who was sharp-eyed, recognized the red figure at a glance, it was none other than Chen Peng.

Hiss! You can hear the sound of gasping for air in Suanzaocheng.

Chen Peng! It's Chen Peng here.

No wonder Hua Xiong outside the city turned around and looked nervous.

Seeing the heavily armored cavalry rushing in from a distance, Yuan Shao's face was a little ugly.

Yuan Shu hehe looked at Yuan Shao.

And Chen Peng's left and right hands are followed by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Guan Yu on Chen Peng's left hand held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, and he was wearing a green dragon armor.

Zhang Fei on the right hand held a snake spear eight feet tall, with a leopard head and eyes, wearing a black armor mixed with stars and meteorites, and a black black scorpion under his crotch.

In the distance, when Hua Xiong saw that the person coming was indeed Chen Peng, he couldn't help but turn his horse back slightly.

When Huaxiong was still a stone's throw away, Chen Peng restrained the blood-defying war spear in the hands of Chi Yan, the fiery red god horse under his crotch, pointing to the ground.

"General Hua, long time no see!"

Chen Peng smiled slightly and said to Hua Xiong in front of the battle formation.

Hua Xiong was unwilling to delay, and hurriedly bowed his hands in return: "Hua Xiong has seen General Zuo, champion Hou!"

One of the reasons why Huaxiong did not dare to neglect Chen Peng was because Chen Peng was indeed very powerful, which Huaxiong knew long ago.

Another reason is that if Chen Peng's third brother Zhang Fei hadn't shot the night he entered Luoyang more than half a year ago, I'm afraid he would have been beheaded by Lu Bu, which is a great favor.

There is one last point, that is, Hua Xiong has seen the power of Chen Peng with his own eyes.

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