Even Lu Bu was almost killed by Chen Peng when he was caught off guard.

People in the world thought that Chen Peng was just outstanding in strategy, but that...when he was in Luoyang City, Chen Peng's military force was also top-notch in the world.

Hua Xiong asked himself whether he was definitely not Chen Peng's opponent.

Perhaps only Lu Bu, who has obtained the Red Rabbit Horse, is qualified to fight Chen Peng.

After saying hello to Hua Xiong, Chen Peng turned his head to look at Suanzaocheng.

Most of the cities in the Eastern Han Dynasty were made of rammed earth, and Suanzao was not a very important small town, so it was not considered high:.

Standing in the direction of Chen Peng, you can clearly see the many princes above the city.

And Chen Peng also saw Cao Cao and Yuan Shao clearly.

At this time, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao both stood behind the battlements and watched Chen Peng under the city.

Yuan Shao has a grudge against Chen Peng, but it doesn't mean that everyone has a grudge against Chen Peng.

Especially when Chen Peng knew that it was Yuan Shao, not Cao Cao, who stopped the city gate and ordered to shoot his family, and Cao Cao also stopped Yuan Shao at that time, but unfortunately it was unsuccessful.

So Chen Peng just asked Yuan Shao to settle the account alone.

"Brother Yunqing, stay safe!"

Standing on the city wall, Cao Cao waved his hand and greeted Chen Peng with a smile.

If Chen Peng didn't come, they would probably have to hide in the city today.

But now that Chen Peng is here, there is no need.

Seeing Cao Cao and Chen Peng greeting, Yuan Shao, who was beside him, was very upset, but he didn't say anything.

"Haha, Brother Meng De is standing so high, I can't see it clearly here, why don't you come down and talk about it?"

Chen Peng replied with a smile.

Cao Cao hurriedly shook his head: "No, Brother Yunqing, that Huaxiong is fierce, we have already driven everyone out, look!"

Saying that, Cao Cao pointed at Yu She and Pan Feng who were beheaded.

"Brother Gonggong and the beloved generals of Jizhou Mu Hanfu have all been beheaded. If Huaxiong doesn't retreat, I'm afraid we can only stand here and talk!"

Cao Cao pulled his neck and shouted.

The many princes standing behind Cao Cao rolled their eyes at Cao Cao's back.

However, Cao Cao didn't care at all.

Yuan Shu, who was named by name, even looked like a pig's liver.

"Meng De, there seems to be something wrong with you, now we don't know whether Chen Peng is an enemy or a friend, is it a bit premature to say such a thing.


Yuan Shao stood behind Cao Cao and said.



Cao Cao smiled and turned to look at Yuan Shao: "Yuan Gong calm down, wait a minute: you can see whether Chen Peng is an enemy or a friend.


Chen Peng on the side looked at the princes in Suanzao City, and then looked at Hua Xiong on the opposite side.

It's funny to say, without Erye Guan, there would be no wine to kill Huaxiong.

Without the warm wine to kill Hua Xiong, it is not interesting that many princes in Guanzhong will always be blocked in the sour jujube. While Chen Peng was thinking about it, Hua Xiong was also on guard.

"Brother Meng De, since this is the case, then I will help you drive away Hua Xiong, and let me go to Shangcheng to tell you the old story of that day in Luoyang!"

Chen Peng squinted his eyes and looked at Suanzaocheng.

This was said to Cao Cao, but in fact it was said to Yuan Shao.

And Yuan Shao's face changed greatly after hearing this.

On the other hand, Hua Xiong was very nervous when he heard that Chen Peng was about to take action.

Chen Peng turned his head and glanced at Guan Yu beside him.

"Brother, Hua Xiong is handed over to you, but don't kill, just get seriously injured!"

Chen Peng said.

Guan Yu, who squinted a pair of phoenix eyes, shook the reins of his war horse and took a step forward.

"Yunqing can rest assured that a Huaxiong is not enough! Drink!"

Speaking of which, Guan Yu rushed out on horseback, with the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand dragging behind him!  … If you have read it, you can take a look at the friends who have seen it! Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and share

Chapter 0191, the style of that knife, shocking the princes! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 091, The amorous feelings of that knife shock all the princes! Please customize it all! Hua Xiong and Zhao Yun briefly fought before.

But not fighting.

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