
"Look at each of you, timid like a mouse, shrinking your hands like a turtle, all of you tied together are not as powerful as my brother alone, and you are also the leader of the alliance, bah! Alliance pig!"

Zhang Fei directed at Yuan Shao and many other princes in the city.... A meal: spray.

Cao Cao, who was leaning on the top of the city, couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

This is the Chen Peng he knew.

This is the one... Hou Chenpeng, the champion who made the aliens feel terrified.

It came in a hurry, and it went in a hurry.

Guan Yu outside Suanzao City fell to Ma Huaxiong in one round.

Then he shot the Yuanzi banner with one arrow and left.

Although Chen Peng was gone, the inside of Suanzao City was covered with a dark cloud.

Because Dong Zhuo is coming.

A Huaxiong who led [-] cavalry was able to block them in the city and beat them violently.

Then lead a hundred thousand troops and take Lv Bu's Dong Zhuo to read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 0192, Yingchuan again, Xun's catastrophe! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 092, Yingchuan again, the catastrophe of the Xun clan! Please make your own order, all orders! The place where the various princes gather to ask Dong is Chen Liu's sour jujube.

It is only a day's journey from Yingchuan Express Horse.

After leaving Suanzao, Chen Peng rushed straight to Yingchuan.

This time he came here, on the one hand, it was about crusade against Dong Zhuo, on the other hand, it was to go back to Yingchuan.

When Dong Zhuo sends troops to Chenliu this time, he will definitely be in or around the surrounding areas.

In fact, after Dong Zhuo took control of the imperial court, in order to please the nobility, he assigned officials to the nobility.

Not as good as the Han clan, one of the four major clans in Yingchuan, Han Fu has the position of the animal husbandry in Jizhou.

For example, the Zhong family, as well as the Xun family, have been entrusted by Dong Zhuo with important tasks.

Among them, Xun Shuang was recruited by Dong Zhuo to Luoyang as Sikong.

Zhong Yao was also named Huangmen Shilang.

But looking back, Dong Zhuo did not succeed in winning over the gentry, but found their rejection.

These people who have been entrusted with important tasks by him calculated and murdered.

So Dong Zhuo was furious.

In history, Dong Zhuo slaughtered the Yingchuan nobility because of this.

Hundreds of large and small Yingchuan nobility suffered one after another.

The Xun Clan escaped under the persuasion of Xun Yu from Luoyang City.

And Chen Peng returned to Luoyang this time to avoid the tragedy from happening again.

It has nothing to do with him waiting for the rest of the people to die, but he must take away the Chen family.

After all, the Chen family will become his most persistent and favorable backing in the future.

So after the one-day tour of sour jujube, Chen Peng rushed to Yingchuan without stopping.

At this time, the land of Yingchuan was covered with a layer of dark clouds.

As one of the most splendid clans in Yingchuan, the Xun clan has closed the door recently, and the clan members have not left their homes.

Xun Yu, who escaped from Luoyang, brought back a sad news for the Xun clan.

Xun Shuang died.

The eight dragons of the Xun clan, the sixth dragon of the Xun clan who is unparalleled in kindness, and Xun Shuang, the head of the Xun clan, died in depression after being imprisoned by Dong Zhuo.

After Xun Shuang was conscripted by Dong Zhuo as Sikong, he plotted with Situ Wang Yun and others to assassinate Dong Zhuo.

but failed.

So Dong Zhuo sent Xun Shuang to prison.

Not only Xun Shuang, but also Xun You and some members of the Xun clan were imprisoned.

Only Xun Yu and Xun Chen took out Luoyang in advance after receiving the news, and brought the news back.

A few days after Xun Shuang was imprisoned, he died of illness in prison.

This cast a shadow over the entire Xun family.

In the Xun clan at this time, all the people of the Xun clan were wearing hemp and filial piety.

Among them, Xun Cai was crying like a tearful man, and fell to the ground.

Xun Yu stood by the side with an ugly expression.

Although it has only been a few months since Xun Yu had just returned from Chen Peng's army...spirited and strong.

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