After going through so many things, Xun Yu lost weight all over his body.

Although Xun Yu looked a little thin at this time, his eyes were unusually firm, and his whole person had matured a lot.

"Little sister, I'm useless, I can't protect my uncle, so I let my uncle suffer the humiliation of Dong Zhuo!"

Seeing Xun Cai who was crying like a tearful man, Xun Yu said with guilt.

At this time, only Xun Shuang's tomb was placed in Xun's courtyard.

Xun Shuang's body is still there: Luoyang, I don't know if it has been hastily buried by Dong Zhuo, or has been thrown into the wilderness.

Xun Cai, who was sitting on the ground sobbing softly, shook his head and bit the corner of his mouth.

On the side, Xun Yu's father Xun Qian was also very sad.

Xun Shuang was his younger brother, so he was naturally sad.

Xun Yu looked at the Xun clan who were immersed in grief, and then looked at his father.

"Father, although it's a little inappropriate to mention this matter at this time, I still want to say that we can only quickly find out about my uncle's funeral, and then move our family out of Yingchuan.


Xun Yu looked at his father and said.


Xun Qian said angrily, "Could it be because of that country thief that he dared to persecute the Yingchuan gentry, so he wouldn't be afraid of the clans of the world scolding him!"

Xun Qian was a little excited.

The surrounding Xun clan all focused their attention after hearing this.

Yingchuan was the place where their Xun clan lived and lived, and this was their hometown, how could they easily abandon it?

Xun Yu frowned and said to his father with an almost pleading expression: "Father, Dong Zhuo's brutality, the ten permanent servants are not in a hurry!"

"Dong Zhuo in Luoyang excavated the imperial mausoleum and the tombs of the ministers. If Dong Zhuo was really afraid, he would not have sent his uncle and others to prison. You must know that the Yuan clan has already been killed. If your father does not leave now, wait. Dong Zhuo's army is pressing down on the territory, and there is no way to leave even if it wants to leave!"

Xun Yu, who was talking, fell to his knees on the ground, then looked up at his father.

"Father, this is the Xunshi's last chance, if this opportunity is lost, then the Xunshi will be finished.


Xun Yu knelt on the ground and begged.

The word "difficult to leave the homeland" is appropriate in this era.

Even some people are reluctant to leave even if they know that their hometown is about to encounter war.

Relocating a family is not a trivial matter.

What's more, Yingchuan is a holy place for reading in the world.

If you leave here, you will leave the center of the nobility, and there is a chance that you will never come back for a lifetime.

Therefore, Xun Qian was very cautious.

He would never make up his mind to move out of here unless he had to.

"Yu Bai, a nobleman in Yingchuan, does Dong dare to raise the butcher's knife, so why hasn't the Chen family moved away?"

Xun Qian looked at Xun Yu and said.


Xun Yu shouted loudly: "Don't my father still understand, even if the Chen family does not move out, Dong Zhuo will never dare to embarrass the Chen family!"

The Chen family in Xun Lang's mouth is Chen Peng's family.

The reason why Dong Zhuo would not embarrass the Chen family.

There are several important reasons.

The first one is......the Chen family has never troubled the movement.

When Chen Peng left Luoyang, he had already taken away all the Chen clan members.

At that time, General He Jin was in power.

After returning to the Chen Clan, the Chen Clan members acted very low-key after being instructed by Chen Peng.

And Dong Zhuo is not stupid.

Dong Zhuo, who knew very well how powerful Chen Peng was, would not provoke Chen Peng.

Therefore, no one from the Chen clan was forced to become an official in the dynasty.

He also sent someone to send a generous gift to Chen's family, intending to make friends with Chen Peng.

And Chen Peng did not participate in the allied army against Dong Zhuo this time. Dong Zhuo had no reason to move Chen's, and then provoke himself a very powerful enemy without any reason.

So Mr. Chen saw this clearly, and that's why he has no fear.

"Shouldn't I regret that Ci Ming's death blamed me!"

Xun Qian smacked a few times on his chest in pain.

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