"Chase, chase, don't let the enemy run away!"

After being stunned for a while, Cheng Zhiyuan never came back.

So Ling Qi waved and chased after Chen Peng.

Gongsun Zan, who was hanging behind Chen Peng, was also stunned.

But looking at the Yellow Turbans coming like a tide behind him, Gongsun Zan couldn't think about it anymore, turned around and followed Chen Peng and started to run away.

Guo Xun and Liu Wei, who were leading the [-] infantry, were already far away from the city at this time. They suddenly saw Chen Peng, who was begging for it, and they both stood there dumbfounded.

Behind the two of them, the two archers who were already ready seemed to be still looking for a target.

"Run away, the enemy is coming!"

Chen Peng shouted, and Guo Xun and the soldiers around Liu Wei let go of their feet and ran back towards Jixian.

"Why... how did you run away!"

Guo Xun and Liu Wei, who were riding on the horse, were taken aback.

The yellow turban army behind him was already rushing up, and before he could think about it, Guo Xun and Liu Wei prepared to run.

But just as the two were about to hit their horses to escape, four cold arrows hit Guo Xun and Liu Wei, as well as the warhorses under their crotch.

The warhorse threw Guo Xun and Liu Wei off their horses in pain, and the two of them were also shot in the thighs, and it was impossible to struggle to get up.

And when the chaotic army is fleeing, who cares about the lives of others?

Guo Xun and Liu Wei, who were lying on the ground, were horrified to discover that they had been thrown down!


Chapter 040: The plan to kill with a knife, done! (New book for flowers [5/7])

Chapter 040: The plan to kill with a knife, done! (New book for flowers [5/7])

"do not run!"

"Don't run, wait for us!"

Guo Xun and Liu Wei exclaimed loudly.

But soon the voices of the two were overwhelmed by the desperate crowd and those chasing after them.

Seeing that Chen Peng entered the city, he stood in front of the city gate and glanced back.

At a glance, he saw Guo Xun and Liu Wei, who had been hit by an arrow on the back leg and had difficulty getting up.

Far apart, Guo Xun and Liu Wei could only see Chen Peng open his mouth slightly as if to say something.

Then a ghostly smile appeared on Chen Peng's face.

Guo Xun and Liu Wei were both stunned on the spot.

In order to prevent Cheng Zhiyuan from being captured and not killing Guo Xun and Liu Wei, Chen Peng could only make the last effort.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were standing not far from Chen Peng, opened their bows and aimed at Guo Xun and Liu Wei at the same time.

At this moment, Guo Xun and Liu Wei stared at Chen Peng with wide eyes.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had a lot of calculations, but they were calculated by a young boy.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

It turned out that Chen Peng and the two of them had the same abacus.



The piercing arrow quickly came to the two of them.

The strong force directly penetrated the heads of the two.

Guo Xun and Liu Wei, with their eyes wide open, were quickly trampled to pieces by the Yellow Turbans chasing after them.


The system prompts: "Congratulations to the host, Hu Chengzhiyuan, for killing Guo Xun and Liu Wei to get [Intelligence Plus 10]"

Current properties:

Name: Chen Peng

Age: 18

Force: 50

Domination: 40

Politics: 40

Intelligence: 100

Charisma: 40

Skill: [Lixian Corporal]

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