Building: [Advanced Infantry Battalion*1] [Advanced Cavalry Battalion*1]

Grain rate: [5624500 (jin)]

Military pay: [** (money)]

Mission: [Dungeon of the Yellow Turbans]


After entering the city gate, Chen Peng heard the electronic synthesis sound in his mind.

Isn't this a cut off?

Although the force value has not changed, his intelligence seems to be full.

In Jixian City, everyone who returned to the city was in shock.

Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and others quickly climbed the city wall.

With this wave of victory, the Yellow Turbans began to siege the city.

A set of ladders are placed on the top of the city.

Like ants, the Yellow Turbans climbed up the ladder and attached themselves.

The four walls of Ji County are covered with Yellow Turbans.

At this time, there were only [-] defenders in the city, and about [-] people on each wall.

Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei stand alone.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei each lead the army to stand on their own.

The rest is Chen Peng and his son.

At this time, 60 high-level infantrymen exerted great power.

The personal soldiers around Chen Peng were equipped with refined and powerful weapons, and almost no Yellow Turban army could approach Chen Peng.

"Father, now the prefect Guo Xun and the prefect Liu Wei are killed. Father should raise the banner of Jixian County. In this way, once we win this battle, then the credit will be all my father's!"

After repelling a wave of the Yellow Turbans, Chen Peng took a breath and came to his father, Chen Xin.

He had never communicated with Chen Xin about his plans before.

He knew very well, although his father was not that kind of pedantic person.

But he would never agree to such an unscrupulous plan.

So everything Chen Peng did was done privately without the knowledge of his father.

Now that the plot is done, it's time to reap the fruits of victory.

Wiping the blood on his face, Chen Xin carefully looked at his son standing in front of him.

"Yunqing, tell the truth to your father, does this matter have anything to do with you?" Chen Xin looked at Chen Peng and asked.

The deaths of Guo Xun and Liu Wei revealed various oddities.

Although Chen Xin didn't know Chen Peng's plan, it didn't mean he was a fool.

Chen Peng shook his head: "Father, this is just an accident. It is touching that the two adults died for the people of Jixian County. Father can ask for credit for the two adults in the documents to the court."

Chen Peng categorically denied that this was his plan.

Seeing Chen Peng deny it, Chen Xin didn't ask any further.

"Okay, I believe in you as a father, although Guo Xun and Liu Wei are eunuchs, but my Chen family wants to come to be bright and aboveboard, and Yunqing must also remember the teachings." Chen Xin said bitterly.

Chen Peng nodded with a smile.

But in my heart it was not true.

Which emperor in history was righteous?

Don't be ruthless, don't want to do everything possible to win, and in the end can only drown in the long river of history!

If you want to gain a foothold in troubled times, you need to do whatever you can!


The Yellow Turbans seem to be numerous, but the siege battle is still too difficult for them.

Again and again, again and again, three times and exhausted, after being beaten back a few waves, the Yellow Turbans receded like a tide.

Jixian has stabilized.

But this alone is obviously not enough to satisfy Chen Peng.

He will use the fastest time to defeat this Yellow Turban army, and then expand his army, ready to join the team of crusade against Zhang Jiao.


Ask for support, ask for support, ask for support!

The upload of the new book needs a lot of support from the big guys.

For the sake of sincerity and sincerity of the little author every day, I ask the big brothers to give some support and encouragement!

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