And when the White Horse City was in chaos, Cao Cao took advantage of this skill to get away.

Why did he run away? Because Cao Cao knew exactly what kind of person Chen Peng was.

Looking at Chen Peng's record, he has all victories and no defeats.

Every shot is a one-hit kill.

Since Chen Peng dared to attack the white horse at night, he must be fully prepared.

There are thousands of people under his command.

If White Horse City really couldn't stand it, his thousands of people would be a drop in the bucket.

If the white horse can hold on, it must have little to do with his thousands of people.

Therefore, Cao Cao's first choice was to... run away.

The Dongcheng Gate was the first to be breached, so it was the Ximen that Cao Cao was fleeing.

"Hurry up! Chen Peng has a lot of cavalry under his command. If he can react, it will be difficult for him to run!"

Cao Cao, who was sitting on his horse and crouching on the horse's back, greeted Xu Chu, Yu Jin and others as he ran.

Cao Cao was originally here to mess things up this time, and he didn't intend to actually fight a war.

Therefore, only Xu Chu and Yu Jin were brought under his command.

But the advantage of this is that...the speed is faster when escaping.

As for the [-] soldiers and horses, Cao Cao abandoned them long ago.

It's not really elite, it doesn't matter if you want it or not.

Cao Cao, with only a hundred light cavalry, ran fast in the direction of Guandu.

However, just when Cao Cao thought he had escaped, a torch was suddenly lit in his path.

First it was the first one, then the second one, more and more, and it became a film! Cao Cao, who saw this scene, was stunned.

Among the many cavalrymen, a figure riding on a scarlet warhorse walked out with a smile on his face.

"Brother Meng De, long time no see, why didn't you meet me and leave?


Chen Peng said with a smile.

"Chen Peng!"

Looking at Chen Peng not far away, Cao Cao didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Wen Ze, I'll block him, you cover the lord and go first!"

Xu Chu, who was riding on a black warhorse, shouted and waved the sword in his hand and rushed towards Chen Peng.

"Zhongkang, don't!"

Cao Cao hurriedly spoke out to stop him.

However, Cao Cao was still half a beat slower.

When he was talking, Xu Chu had already rushed towards Chen Peng.

And the distance between the two is getting closer.

Looking at the fierce general in front of him, who is not much different from Dian Wei's stature.

Chen Peng thought of a person subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, he intercepted Hu Dian Wei, and Xu Chu was recruited by Cao Cao after all.

Seeing Xu Chu rushing towards him, Chen Peng took off the blood-defying spear hanging on the saddle.

"Thief, eat my knife!"

Xu Chu let out a roar, the broad back in his hand: the big sword fell head-on.

Chen Peng held a spear in one hand, and then it was... a big sword that swept across Xu Chu's meeting.


After a crisp sound, the big knife in Xu Chu's hand broke directly into two halves.

And Chen Peng waved his hand to face Xu Chu's shoulder with the back of his blood-defying spear! "Bang!"

Xu Chu, who was sitting on the horse, shattered his armor and flew out and fell directly to the ground.

Yu Jin, who was going to come to the rescue behind Xu Chu, was also startled when he saw this scene.

Xu Chu, who fell to the ground, first glanced at the big sword in his hand.

Then he looked at Chen Peng, who was sitting on a horse and looked like a normal person, and then he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It's so frustrating.

One move defeats "Wen Ze, go and see Zhongkang!"

Cao Cao waved at Yu Jin who was behind him.

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