Yu Jin cautiously came to Xu Chu's side.

"Zhongkang is too impulsive, he is Chen Peng and Chen Yunqing!"

Yu Jin whispered in Xu Chu's ear.

It is very clear how fierce Xu Chu is than Ban.

Cao Yingzhong said so, basically there is no opponent of Xu Chu.

But what Xu Chu met was Chen Peng.

That... Chen Peng who was one enemy at Hulao Pass, and even Lu Bu was shot down by one move.

Although the ingredients of the legend are exaggerated a bit.

But how strong Chen Peng's force is, just look at Lu Bu to know.

Lu Bu is known as the best general in the world.

But the premise is that Chen Peng cannot be counted.

Because Chen Peng is not a general, but a monarch.

"Meng De, you're not careful, it's fine if you don't greet me when I come to the white horse. You left the soldiers and ran away before you saw me. Why, you're afraid that I won't catch you."

Chen Peng laughed and shook the reins of the war horse in his hand and took two steps towards Cao Cao.

Chen Peng took two steps forward, and the soldiers behind Cao Cao retreated.

Cao Cao smiled bitterly: "Brother Yunqing has a clever plan, you know that I must go to Ximen, isn't this waiting for me here on purpose?


While talking, Cao Cao also turned over and dismounted.

Chen Peng's smile is even better.

When he learned that Cao Cao was in the White Horse, Chen Peng had already made up his mind to catch Cao Cao.

His plan in this battle was to completely destroy the Yuan clan.

Although it is impossible to completely wipe out the Yuan clan, at least the Yuan clan will not become a threat to him in the future.

Liu Bei is dead.

Is it Sun Ce.... it's already in his pocket.

Yuan Shao's battle will be resolved.

Then who else is left, Liu Biao and Liu Yan are not.

Chen Peng never regarded these two people as enemies.

The only one who can make him an enemy is only Cao Cao.

Therefore, the sneak attack on the white horse this time is very important, and it is equally important to capture Cao Cao alive.

He didn't want to move to a Yuan Shao, and a Cao Cao who was a hundred times more cunning than Yuan Shao and a hundred times harder to deal with.

"Brother Meng De and I go back to the camp for a talk"

Chen Peng asked.

"Can I not go"

Cao Cao asked with a bitter face.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Peng shrugged: "I'm afraid not!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read: collect, recommend, and score

Chapter 0223, Yuan Shao who vomited blood, Xu You who was imprisoned! (please customize, fully order!)

Chapter 023, Yuan Shao, who vomited blood, and Xu You, who was imprisoned! Please customize it, make it all! Guandu Camp! At this time, Yuan Shao was sitting in the position of the leader of the coalition army, his face was gloomy, as if he could form frost.

In front of him, Xu You knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"Xu You, you are guilty!"

Yuan Shao frowned and said in a low voice.

Xu You, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head quickly: "My lord, listen to my explanation, I really don't know why Guo Si surrendered, please forgive your subordinates for the sake of your loyalty!"

While begging for mercy, Xu You kowtowed.

The plan to recruit Guo Si was proposed by Xu You.

Specifically, Xu You implemented it.

Before the war, Yuan Shao asked Xu You if Guo Si had any chance of swindling surrender.

At that time, Xu You's answer was absolutely no.

But as a result, the [-] troops crossing the river were ambushed, either drowned or... surrendered.

What Yuan Shao couldn't explain the most was that Tao Qian was captured! It would be better if Tao Qian was not captured.

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