The two of them are not good at speaking about this matter, but Chen Xin is the younger brother of the two of them. Yuan Wei helped Chen to take the position of a prefect, should they be grateful?

"Okay, that's it, the order can be ordered to order Chen Xin to lead the governor of Youzhou to recruit soldiers and brave soldiers to clear the Yellow Turbans of Youzhou, and then go south to Jizhou and Lu Zhi to join the crusade against the Jizhou bandit soldiers!"

In the end, Liu Hong did not listen to Zhang Rang's words.

Although Liu Hong believed in Zhang Rang, but now the world is in chaos, everything must be quelling the rebellion.

As for other things, you can only rely on it.

"Your Majesty, besides Chen Xin, did your Majesty forget that there is another person?" Yuan Wei reminded several times: "Your Majesty, in the battle report, Chen Peng, the son of Chen Xin, repeatedly made strange plans to break the enemy's army and behead the thief Cheng Zhiyuan. It's a feat!"

I was just patronizing and discussing Chen Xin's official position.

Everyone forgot about this Chen Peng.

After hearing Yuan Wei say this, everyone remembered.

That's right, the battle report stated that it was Chen Xin's son Chen Peng who suggested to attack the Yellow Turbans at night and behead the thief Cheng Zhiyuan.

Such credit cannot but be rewarded.

But what is the reward?

One is that Chen Peng is too young, and Chen Peng's father just leapfrogged to serve as the prefect of Youzhou, which made it more difficult for Chen Peng to arrange.

However, Yuan Wei naturally mentioned it, and he had already made plans in his heart.

The court asked Huangpu Song, Zhu Jun, and Lu Zhi to go out to quell the rebellion.

And Lu Zhi's task is the heaviest among the three.

The court sent Lu Zhi less than [-] soldiers and horses, but let him go to Jizhou to deal with the main force of the Yellow Turbans.

This is undoubtedly a more dangerous thing.

Yuan Shu, Yuan Hui's nephew, was originally the captain of Changshui among the eight schools led by Lu Zhi.

But Yuan Shu was worried that the Yellow Turban's ferocious Lu Zhi would be invincible, so he didn't want to go.

As a result, the position of Colonel Changshui was vacant.

If there is one person who can replace it, that would be great.

"What do you think of Taifu?" Liu Hong looked at Yuan Wei and asked.

Yuan Wei smiled and said, "Your Majesty, according to the battle report, Chen Peng is also a person who can fight well, and His Majesty ordered Youzhou to go south to reconcile with Lu Zhonglang. It just so happens that there is one vacancy in Changshui Colonel. Chen Peng will serve as Changshui Sima first, and if he has military exploits in the future, he will be promoted again?"

"it is good!"

Liu Hong agreed almost without thinking.

Back off early.

Chen Ji and Chen Chen came to Yuan Wei's side and bowed to Yuan Wei.

"Thank you, Master Taifu, otherwise Dafang wouldn't be able to get this position!" Chen Ji said while saluting Yuan Hui.

Yuan Wei smiled and waved: "It's okay, Yuan Fang is too polite. Those eunuchs do nothing and only know how to greedy for money, and Da Fang has done a good job in quelling rebellion, so he should be in this position. I'm just icing on the cake."

Yuan's family, four generations and three princes are famous all over the world, and their disciples are all over the world.

To be honest, there is really no need for Yuan Shi to please Chen Shi.

Now it can only be said that the Chen family owes Yuan a great favor.

"Okay, generous, don't care too much at this time, we should help a lot in the future!"

Chen Ji and Chen Chen nodded in agreement after hearing it, and then the three parted and said goodbye.


In Yuan Wei's mansion.

At this time, two young men in their twenties were waiting for Yuan Wei to return.

After seeing Yuan Hui returning, the two young men stepped forward one after another.


The two bowed at the same time.

"Well, the highway is coming, get up."

Yuan Wei walked towards the courtyard while talking, but the other young man seemed to be ignored.

There was a stoic look in the eyes of the young man who lowered his head.

Sui Li raised his head with a smile, turned around and followed Yuan Wei and Yuan Shu into the house.

Seeing Yuan Shao who was following him, Yuan Shu pouted.


Chapter 045, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Chen Peng! (New book for flowers [3/7])

Chapter 045, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Chen Peng! (New book for flowers [3/7])

In the hall, Yuan Hui sat upright while Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao stood in front of Yuan Hui.

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