"Uncle, nephew, I heard that my uncle named Chen Shi Chen Xin as the governor of Youzhou today. Why is this? My Yuan Shi still needs to please that Chen Shi?" Yuan Shu asked.

Yuan Wei took a sip of tea and shook his head gently.

"Of course we, Yuan Clan, don't need to please anyone, but now that the world is in chaos, it's always right to make some preparations to form a good relationship. Besides, he's just a governor of Youzhou, and Yuan Clan doesn't take it seriously. "

"Some things about highways are not only to look at the surface, but also to see the interests behind them. This is the way to survive."

Yuan Shu nodded after hearing this.

Then Yuan Wei looked at Yuan Shao on the other side.

"What has Tu Jiazi doing recently?"

For example, when talking to Yuan Shu, when talking to Yuan Shao, Yuan Hui seemed to be a different person in terms of tone and tone.

Yuan Shao, who had lowered his head, raised his head slightly and replied respectfully, "Reporting to my uncle, big...that Tu family did nothing."

Yuan Wei frowned: "I won't tell you to let you find an opportunity to talk to that Tu Jiazi and let him remove the eunuchs around His Majesty, do you have any comments?"


Yuan Shao looked troubled.

Although now Emperor Ling has untied the party shackles in order to suppress the rebellion, the party members have re-entered the court.

However, the eunuch power has not been damaged and is already strong.

This is the time to speak to He Jin, and it is obviously not the time.

Yuan Shao himself knew this very well. He didn't believe that his uncle, Yuan Hui, who was mature and mature, didn't know.

And his uncle did it just because of his status.

Then Yuan Shu was afraid that the Yellow Turban Army would resign from the position of Colonel Changshui that the family had worked so hard to get him, and he was not reprimanded. Wasn't it because Yuan Shu was the direct son of the Yuan family?

And he Yuan Shao was just a concubine.

Hearing Yuan Shao being reprimanded, a smile appeared on Yuan Shu's face.

"Uncle, don't get angry. I didn't mean to forget what my uncle said at first, so let him do it."

Yuan Shu deliberately said that Yuan Shao had forgotten about it, while the other side was trying to please Yuan Hui, which made Yuan Shao even more angry.

But he didn't show it in his heart.

"Uncle calm down, it's my fault." Yuan Shao bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

Yuan Wei waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, let's go, remember not to say anything by Tu Jiazi's side, say what you should say, and don't say what you shouldn't say!"

Yuan Shao nodded and left Yuan Wei's mansion.

When he was in front of the gate, Yuan Shao stopped and glanced inside.

There was anger in his eyes.

"One day, one day I'll get everything."

After making an oath in his heart, Yuan Shao walked out of the gate of Yuan Hui's mansion, and then went straight to the mansion of General He Jin.

When he came to the door of General He Jin's mansion, he happened to meet a guy who was not tall and looked very dark.

If it were the usual Yuan Shao, he would have greeted him with a smile.

It was just that Yuan Shao, who was in a bad mood, lowered his head after being reprimanded.

The guy who was not tall and looked very dark saw Yuan Shao first.

"Original, Primordial!"

The short black guy waved to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao looked up and said, "Oh, it's Meng De."

Cao Cao turned his head and glanced at Yuan Shao, and noticed something was wrong with Yuan Shao: "What happened at the beginning? It doesn't look like you're happy?"

Yuan Shao shook his head: "Forget it, nothing!"

"Why are you here, Meng De?" Yuan Shao looked at Cao Cao and asked.

Cao Cao took the horse, handed the reins in his hand to a soldier in front of He Jin's mansion, and said in a low voice: "The general summoned, it is not that Chen Peng, the son of Chen Xin after serving as the governor of Youzhou in the court today. Served as Changshui Sima."

"Chen Peng? Is that Chen Yunqing who offered to attack the Yellow Turban at night to kill Cheng Zhiyuan?" Yuan Shao raised his eyebrows.

Cao Cao nodded: "Yes, it's him."

"Today your uncle bought a favor for the Chen family, and the general is anxious." Cao Cao said in a low voice, "The Chen family in Yingchuan is quite famous, so the general thought to see if there was any way to bring Chen down. Pulled over here."

Listening to Cao Cao's words, Yuan Shao nodded knowingly.

He Jin's background was too poor, which led to the fact that although he is now a general commanding the world's troops and horses, neither the gentry nor the eunuch Zhuo Liu looked down on him.

He Jin desperately wants the recognition of the gentry.

The best way to do this is, of course, to win over the gentry.

And the Yingchuan Chen clan is still the face of the Yingchuan nobility. If there is the support of the Chen clan, there will be no one to help.

"So the general wants to win over the Chen family?" Yuan Shao asked.

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