Cao Cao nodded and said: "Then Chen Xin has nowhere to start as the prefect of Youzhou, but his son Chen Peng is the commander of the Changshui River, so this is under the control of the general, so the general wants to see if he can help Chen. Peng pushed to the position of Colonel Changshui."

"In this way, it is the icing on the cake, so I invited me to discuss it!"

Now Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are both serving under the general He Jinmen, which is normal.

After some understanding, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao walked into the residence of the general He Jin.

And Chen Peng, who is far away in Youzhou, doesn't know that he has become a 'sweet pastry'!


Chapter 046, Based on Youzhou, future plans! (New book for flowers [4/7])

Chapter 046, Based on Youzhou, future plans! (New book for flowers [4/7])

Youzhou, Ji County.

It has been a short month since Cheng Zhiyuan led the army to besiege the city.

It's just that the grass on Cheng Zhiyuan's grave today is more than half a foot tall.

Most of the Yellow Turbans he brought were defeated, and the remaining small part was captured.

After capturing these Yellow Turbans, Chen Peng did not start killing them, but treated them in another way.

This method is Laogai.


Allocate land to these people, and then let them farm the land and become small households in the hands of their Chen family.

It can also be regarded as another kind of tuntian in disguise.

At this time, there were more than [-] people in villages like Jixian.

All were captured during the last battle.

Now that it is spring, just in time for farming, these people are lucky enough to survive.

Otherwise, Chen Peng can't guarantee whether he can do anything appalling.

The appointment letter from the court has come down.

Just as Chen Peng expected, his father Chen Xin finally replaced Guo Xun under his 'arrangement'.

In the state governor's mansion, Chen Xin and Chen Peng sat facing each other.

Although it has only been a few months, Chen Xin agrees with Chen Peng's growth.

"Yunqing, now that the appointment letter from the imperial court has come down, what do you think we should do next?" Chen Xin looked at Chen Peng and asked.

Chen Peng sat in his seat and rubbed his chin, which had not grown stubble, and thought for a moment.

"Although the Yellow Turbans in Youzhou is not serious now, it is still necessary to prevent it from happening. Father needs to train an elite soldier, an elite soldier who can fight and win anytime, anywhere."

"Before the turbulent times came, you had to have military power in your hands to have the right to speak. Moreover, Youzhou is located at the junction, and alien races are rampant. It is inevitable that there will be wars in the future. Now the court has a convenient door. Father should recruit and raise soldiers!"

Chen Peng confided his plans to his father little by little.

Chen Xin nodded, looked at his son sitting in front of him, and then slowly said: "Yun Qing, tell the truth to your father, Guo Xun's death..."

"Is it about you?"

This question has been pressing in Chen Xin's mind for a long time.

Chen Xin mentioned it once when Guo Xun died.

It's just that I've been too busy for a while, so I haven't had a chance to talk about it.

Today, I just received the appointment letter from the imperial court, and the father and son have time to sit together.

"Father." Chen Peng's face had an indifferent expression: "Guo Xun's death was an accident, and even if there was no such accident, his death was what all the people wanted. Didn't father see Jixian being harmed by him? What's it like?"

Chen Xin sank, looked at Chen Peng after a while and said, "I know this as a father, but... it's just that this kind of thing is too dangerous, if it is taken by the imperial court... you know what it means to be a father. !"

Chen Peng nodded after hearing this: "Don't worry, father, the child knows the relationship."

After saying that, Chen Peng stood up: "Father, the matter of Youzhou will trouble father, and the boy has to go to Jizhou to meet with Lu Zhonglang at the order of the court."

"be careful."


After that, Chen Peng walked out of his father's governor's house.

The air that was unpolluted two thousand years ago is exceptionally fresh.

"Yun Qing."

"Second brother!"

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were waiting for Chen Peng in front of the governor's house.

Chen Peng nodded: "Let's go, go out of the city to prepare troops and horses, and then we're going to Jizhou."

Chen Peng smiled and looked at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: "Let's go to Jizhou for our brothers to make great achievements, and it's just a matter of time before Feng Hou and Xiang Xiang!"

"I don't care what the title is, as long as I can be with the two brothers, I will be happy!" Zhang Fei shouted.

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