Guan Yu lightly brushed his beard: "The third brother is right, as long as you are at ease, our brothers are the same wherever they are!"

The three of them smiled at each other and got on their horses and walked out of the city.

The three brothers hadn't waited to leave the city, and when they just came to the streets of Jixian, they saw a group of people in the distance who seemed to be watching something lively.

And the sound of cursing came out from the crowd.

"Bitch, if you dare to run away, chop off the hands of both of your sisters, then chop them up and feed the wolves!"

"See if you dare to run!"


"Run again, I'll beat you to death while running!"

"Stop hitting, please don't hit, don't hit my sister, hit me!"

Cursing, whipping, and begging for mercy intertwined.

After walking in, Chen Peng rode on his horse to see clearly. It turned out that a group of guys like a dick was beating a pair of sisters around.

The two sisters hugged together, their bodies covered with welts.

Among them, the older sister was protecting her younger sister with force, her clothes were ripped off by the whip, and her fair skin was covered with whip marks.

Seeing this scene, Chen Peng frowned.


Chapter 047, Encountering Evil Slaves on the Street! (New book for flowers [5/7])

Chapter 047, Encountering Evil Slaves on the Street! (New book for flowers [5/7])

Seeing a few strong men beating around the thin sisters, Chen Peng frowned.

In this era, after the escaped slaves were caught, whether they were beaten to death or disabled, the government would not care.

Because these people are slaves.

Equivalent to someone else's private property.

But it's fine if you don't come across it.

Chen Peng frowned and glanced at Zhang Fei beside him.

Zhang Fei had long been waiting for Chen Peng's order.

"Slave dog, what kind of thing is it to bully two little girls on the basis of tall men and big men, there is something for your grandfather to know you!"

Zhang Fei, who was scolding, dismounted from the horse and pushed the crowd away and walked towards the inside.

The five or six evil slaves who surrounded the two sisters heard the voice and looked at Zhang Fei.

Several people were also startled when they saw Zhang Fei.

It's really because Zhang Fei looks a little scary, and he is tall and broad like a black bear.

That pair of copper bell-like eyes stared at the boss.

But after all, they rely on a lot of people.

"Wu that thief, don't take care of everything, be careful to lose your life, this is my slave, even if you kill the government, you can't take care of it, it's your turn to take care of it?" The whip pointed at Zhang Fei.

At this time, Zhang Fei, Chen Peng and the others did not wear official uniforms or armor, just ordinary clothes.

And the villain on the other side obviously didn't know who Zhang Fei was.

If it was someone else, he would have retreated with threats like this.

Who is Zhang Fei?

"Dog slave, your grandfather is something you can threaten, and he will kill your dog today!"

After saying that, Zhang Fei rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the evil slaves.

Several evil slaves stood together, all holding sticks in their hands.

When they saw that Zhang Fei hadn't retreated, they were obviously a little scared.

Whoever made Zhang Fei look like he was not a jerk.

So the leader made a threat again.

"The thief, I told you not to mind your own business. This is a fugitive slave from the county magistrate's house. Do you know who our master is?"

"Our lord is a relative of the Chief Inspector, if you dare to mess around, we guarantee that the whole family will put you in prison!"

As soon as the evil slave's voice fell, the crowd watching the excitement all took two steps back when they heard the words of the county magistrate.

Some people's eyes have already given birth to the color of terror.

"Big brother, don't meddle in your own business, that county magistrate is not easy to mess with."

"Yeah, forget it."

Two well-meaning people beside Zhang Fei lowered their voices and said.

And Chen Peng, who was sitting on the horse, clearly saw this scene and the expressions of the surrounding people.

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