Under the soil, there was a layer of black sticky stuff with a pungent smell.

If you don't lift up the sand on the ground, it's hard to find it.

There will just be some mild flavor.

After glancing at no one around, the secret spy of the Shadow Department took out the fire book from his arms, blew it twice, and threw it on the ground.

The moment the fire zhezi fell to the ground, the sticky black thing on the ground instantly ignited a raging fire.

And the flames began to spread around at a very fast speed.

Around the city wall of White Horse City, more than one hundred ignition points ignited almost simultaneously.

It turned out that the... black slime was the kerosene that was buried in the White Horse City ahead of time.

Since the bathing fire cannot be extinguished with water at all.

All the important places around the White Horse City were buried with kerosene and covered with a layer of sand.

Under the ignition of the open flame, the kerosene quickly ignited a fire and ignited the White Horse City.

In an instant the black was illuminated by firelight.

"Go away!"

"Go away!"

"Come on people, let's go!"

The soldier on the wall shouted.

However, the hay and firewood accumulated around the city wall had already burned, and the addition of kerosene made it impossible for the first wave of defenders to come down to the city wall.

With the help of kerosene, the fire soon spread to the entire White Horse City.

The fire was blazing, the heat wave was rolling, and the burning houses were connected one by one.

And the first time the fire started, the gates of the four gates of White Horse City, which had already been passive, also fell.

At this time, the White Horse City was completely closed.

"on fire!"

"General, it's on fire!"

There was an exclamation in the official residence of White Horse City.

Wen Chou, who was in his sleep, was awakened directly, and through the window, he saw the sky-high firelight outside.

Wen Chou, who had no time to think about it, hurried out the door.

But Wen Chou, who had just stepped on the ground just outside the door, slid to the ground.

The frowning Wen Chou's direct hand seemed to be pressing on something sticky.

I picked it up and looked at it and couldn't see it clearly.

Then Wen Chou put it under his nose and smelled it.

After hearing this, Wen Chou suddenly looked shocked.

"Korose! It's kerosene, how can there be kerosene here!"

Wen Chou was shocked.

However, the surrounding fire soon spread to the official residence where Wen Chou lived.

The kerosene, which was covered with a layer of sand, quickly ignited everything in the mansion.

"Who, go to the well in the city to fetch water to put out the fire!"

Wen Chou ordered quickly.

"General, we can't get water anymore, all the wells in the city are blocked by boulders, there is no water!"

A soldier with a face darkened by fire said while coughing.


Wen Chou stood up and looked at the fire all around him.

At this moment, Wen Chou understood why there were no defenders in the city.

This is a trap, a trap set by Chen Peng.

Chen Peng wanted to burn his own army of [-] soldiers without a single shot.

"Break out, break out, lead my horse!"

Wen Chou shouted loudly.

"General, there's no way to break through the siege, the Qianjin Gate has fallen, we... we can't go!"

The soldier cried and talked to Wen Chou.

Wen Chou standing in the same place is stupid.

The well was blocked, and the ground was full of kerosene.

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