The entire White Horse City has been set on fire.

And the gate can't get out.

There is only one dead end left to lose.

"Chen Peng, you are so vicious! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Wen Chou Yang Tian, ​​who was standing on the spot, let out an unwilling roar.

The fire quickly engulfed Hakuba's official residence.

Wen Chou and his generals and soldiers all turned into flying in the raging fire.

Baima City is a big city cast by rammed earth.

Although Chen Peng arranged combustibles and kerosene in the city, and all the houses would burn.

But if you want to burn everyone to death with the flames, it is unrealistic.

Of course, this does not mean that there will be survivors in White Horse City.

The White Horse City, which has blocked the four city gates, is like a cauldron.

And there is still no water in the pot.

The fire will take the air and produce thick smoke, which is the most deadly.

The lit White Horse City was like a huge torch under the night sky, and even the camp of Yanjindu where Chen Peng was located could clearly see the fire of the White Horse City.

Cao Cao was by Chen Peng's side, looking at the distance as if the sky was on fire.

"[-] people! [-] people are all gone in such a fire"

Cao Cao stood there, looking at Chen Peng with chills in his eyes.

Chen Peng was wrapped in a black robe, with his hands in his sleeves and watching the fire in the sky.

"Meng De, it's not what I think, if I don't, more people will die in this war, these are the blood of the Han people.


"I killed [-] people today, but it was equivalent to saving [-] million, so I have no regrets, even if the world calls me Chen Peng a butcher, I have no regrets!"

"Compared to those . . . the tragedies that have happened in the past, what is all this in front of us?"

Chen Peng looked at him and said to Cao Cao: "In those days, the princes defeated Qin Gaozu and won, and although they won, it was also a tragic victory.


"The Huns took the opportunity to cross the Great Wall, bothering our country to plunder my people, and even the great ancestors climbed the mountain in vain!"

"If it weren't for marriage, how many people would have fallen under the iron hooves of the Xiongnu."

Facing Chen Peng's problem, Cao Cao sank.

It is true that Liu Bang took the world away.

But that is the world is already weak and unbelievable.

The Xiongnu's iron cavalry marched south, unstoppable, Liu Bang was tortured by the 100-strong army and was tortured by the white mountaineering, and he started the shame of marriage! In the next [-] years, how many daughters of the Han family were sent to the grasslands to be relatives! The shame of China began from then on! The Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms where the heroes gather is indeed an era of great heroes.

But the war that lasted for decades also exhausted China's last drop of blood.

Then came the centuries of darkness.

The bones and blood of the Han family were almost cut off.

Chen Peng is yearning for the Three Kingdoms where...

But at the same time, he also doesn't want to have... three kingdoms in this life.

Because he doesn't want history to repeat itself! So, although some people may not understand him.

But he would never let that... dark age come back.

He just wants to end the civil strife in advance, and then expand the pace of expansion outwards.

Let all Han family Erlang not worry about being invaded by aliens from now on.

He wants to make the son of the Han family the master of this world! Looking at Cao Cao who does not speak.

Chen Peng patted Cao Cao's shoulder lightly: "Not to mention one hundred thousand, but one million, I, Chen Peng, will also order the beheading today without hesitation.


"Maybe people in the world will not understand what I do today, or even spurn me! But I... still have no regrets!"

As he said, Chen Peng put his hands in his sleeves, turned his head and walked back to the tent.

Dian Wei followed behind Chen Peng with a firm gaze.

Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Tian Feng, Ju Zong, Shen Pei, and Jia Xu all voluntarily made way for Chen Peng.

This man younger than them is their lord.

And what this man younger than them was thinking about, they couldn't see through.

But time will always give an answer.

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