And Jixian has been badly harmed by Guo Xun and Liu Wei, and most of the officials under him are only people who only know about corruption and making money.

If he really let his father manage these people, there would be trouble.

I'm not sure if these guys will jump over the wall and bite.

So he has to help his father clear the way forward.

"Brother, please go out of the city to transfer a team of soldiers into the city, we'll leave after I've dealt with some things!" Chen Peng said to Guan Yu who was behind him.

Guan Yu nodded and turned over and went to dispatch troops outside the city.

"Don't be afraid, today I will call the shots for you and help you avenge your parents!"

Standing up, Chen Peng's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Third brother, take this undead guy to Bao Meng's house. I want to see what kind of monster this Bao Meng is!"


It didn't take long for Chen Peng to come to the door of the county magistrate Bao Meng's mansion.

Compared with Chen Peng's own mansion in Zhuo County, Bao Meng's mansion is almost like a royal palace.

A huge plaque hangs on the red lacquer-colored lintel. On the plaque, there are two big characters, Baofu, in bronzing fonts.

If a county magistrate has such a mansion, if he says there is no greed for ink, he probably won't believe it.

Chen Peng stood in front of Bao Meng's mansion.

Zhang Fei was on the side, carrying Bao Meng's vicious slave like a dead chicken in his hand.

In the distance of Chen Peng, there are many people who are following quietly watching.

"Third brother, open the door!" Chen Peng said to Zhang Fei next to him.

Zhang Fei rounded the evil slave in his hand as if he was carrying a bean sprout and smashed it directly at Bao Meng's house.


The huge impact directly slammed into Bao Meng's house door and opened, and the evil slave spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into the yard.

Soon, a large group of people gathered in the courtyard.

After seeing clearly that the evil slaves thrown in were their own, they immediately understood that they were looking for trouble.

A large group of people rushed out of the courtyard, each with a stick and a Pu Dao.

"Blind your dog's eyes, don't even look at where this is and dare to come to trouble, kill me!"

The vicious slave who rushed out did not ask the reason at all and rushed up with the sword in his hand. Chen Peng stood motionless with his hands on his back.


With a roar, Zhang Fei rushed into the crowd, first grabbed a guy directly, then grabbed his two feet and swung it hard.

The unlucky guy caught by Zhang Fei first became his weapon.

A bang bang bang sounded in an endless stream.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen evil slaves were beaten to the ground by Zhang Fei.

The people around who saw this scene all widened their eyes.

Never seen such a sudden as Zhang Fei, do these two dare to trouble Bao Meng, the county magistrate.

It was at this time that the sound of fighting once again attracted a large group of people.

There were hundreds of people who came out this time, and in the center was a middle-aged man dressed in fancy clothes.

Chen Peng looked at the group. If he guessed correctly, the middle-aged man was Bao Meng.

Bao Meng, who came out of the mansion, saw the situation outside the mansion, his brows furrowed, and the flesh on his face trembled.

"Who dares to run wild on my Bao's house?" Bao Meng frowned and looked at Zhang Fei, Chen Peng, and the two fugitive slave sisters behind Chen Peng.

Chen Peng took a step forward with a cold face: "Are you Bao Meng?"

"Who are you?" Bao Meng frowned and looked at Chen Peng.

Chen Peng was not interested in answering Bao Meng's question, but pointed to the sister behind him and said, "Someone sued you for robbing a civilian girl and killing innocent people, do you agree or not?"


"Boy, are you stupid? You come to Laozi's mansion to make trouble, and you don't even weigh how much you have! This is Jixian, Laozi's territory. If Laozi wants to kill you, it's as easy as killing an ant! "

Bao Meng glared at Chen Peng and then waved his hand: "Take it for me and kill it directly!"

At this time, Bao Meng was surrounded by hundreds of people, while Chen Peng and Zhang Fei were only two.

Those people who were hiding far away suddenly sighed and sighed in their hearts, but it was a pity that Chen Peng was too young to know how powerful it was.

And hundreds of people around Bao Meng also approached Chen Peng and Zhang Fei.

At this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded on the street.

The people who were blocked in the distance suddenly looked back.

It didn't matter when he turned around, he was taken aback.

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