

The sound of hooves resounded in the street behind him.

A cavalry named in black armor, armed with lances and black horses under his crotch, was rushing towards this side.

The leader is a general wearing a green shirt and holding a Azure Dragon Moon Sword!


Chapter 049, Killing, Li Wei! (New book for flowers [7/7])

Chapter 049, Killing, Li Wei! (New book for flowers [7/7])

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

The people who were blocked on both sides of the hutong hurriedly made a way out of the way.

Guan Yu, on the other hand, led more than a hundred cavalry towards Bao Meng's men.

And Bao Meng, who was standing in front of the mansion gate, was also stunned when he saw this scene.

How can it be an ordinary person who can deploy cavalry?

Looking at Chen Peng, Bao suddenly remembered something.

After Jixian was besieged, his brother-in-law Guo Xun began to deploy troops from the surrounding area.

He also heard that Chen Xin, the magistrate of Zhuo County, brought his son Chen Peng to come to support, and that day, a fierce general wearing a green shirt came out and killed several pioneers around Cheng Zhiyuan, the head of the yellow scarf thief.

Bao Meng stared at Chen Peng with wide eyes, and then looked at Guan Yu, who was on the horse, and suddenly realized that he might be in trouble this time.

"Chen Gongzi, misunderstanding!" Bao Meng shouted quickly.

It was a pity that it was too late, Guan Yu had already led the cavalry to charge over, and the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand opened the blood mist directly in the crowd.

The cavalry behind him pierced through the enemy's body with their lances.

In just an instant, with a single charge, the more than [-] people who were still vicious just now were directly hung on the lances.

"It's not too late, Yun Qing!"

Guan Yu, who was sitting on the horse, said.

Chen Peng smiled and shook his head: "It's not too late, just right."

There was a bloody smell in the air.

However, Chen Peng has gradually become accustomed to this taste.

Stepping on the blood under his feet, Chen Peng came to Bao Meng's side step by step.

At this time, Bao Meng had already realized who he had encountered.

With a smile on his face, he hunched over and came to Chen Peng's side.

"Mr. Chen, the villain has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, so I can't tell it's Mr. Chen, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Bao Meng accompanied him and said with a smile.

Chen Peng also smiled and picked up a Pu Dao in the blood from the ground.

"Misunderstanding? Haha."

"If my eldest brother hadn't come in time, I'm afraid I would have been killed by your subordinates, right? Did you misunderstand me?" Chen Peng smiled at Bao Meng.

Bao Meng hurriedly bowed his head to apologize: "It's the villain's army, Lord Chen has a large number of adults, as long as Lord Chen calms down, the villain is willing to give anything, and the villain's sister is the concubine of Lord Prefect, I hope you can give some face."


There was a sound of a blade piercing the ball.

Chen Peng hooked Bao Meng's neck with one hand, and the Pu knife in the other hand had penetrated Bao Meng's chest.

"Don't say that Guo Xun is already dead, even if he is not dead, I have no face at all, and you, even more damned!" Chen Peng said through gritted teeth.

Bao Meng's eyes widened in disbelief, and he lowered his head to look at the Pu Dao that penetrated his chest.

Pushing away Bao Meng, who was dead, Chen Peng turned around and looked at the people who were getting closer and closer.

"I am the son of Chen Xin, the new governor of Youzhou, the great Han Changshui Sima Chen Peng."

"Bao Meng oppresses the common people, corrupts the stolen goods and bends the law, and there are still more people who die. Any of you who knows about Bao Meng's crimes can come to this general to expose Bao Meng."

"Those who have occupied fields and plundered their family properties, all of them will come to this general to register!"

"Also, you can report any official who oppresses the people, but if it is verified, it will be executed. I will be here today, and I will do what I say!"

On both sides of the street, armoured soldiers approached Jixian County, and Chen Peng was waiting for the people to report in front of Bao Meng's mansion.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu each led a pair of cavalry on either side of Chen Peng.

At first, the people around were hesitant.

After all, it has been a long-standing tradition for officials to protect each other.

No one dared to oppose the government.

But after the first whistleblower came forward, more and more people came forward with the mentality of trying it out.

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