It was not until the first official who oppressed the people was captured by the cavalry led by Zhang Fei and beheaded on the spot, the people of Jixian finally believed in Chen Peng.

As time went by, more and more people were surrounded.

And Chen Peng's actions quickly alarmed Chen Xin.

Chen Xin did not stop Chen Peng, but sent people to help Chen Peng investigate and deal with the supplies from the homes of those corrupt officials.

There are more and more people around.

And more and more officials were beheaded.

Whenever there is nothing wrong in the investigation, Chen Peng will order him to be beheaded on the spot.

The smell of blood in front of Bao Meng's mansion was getting stronger and stronger, but the hearts of the surrounding people were getting warmer.

Chen Peng dispatched his officials to carefully record the occupied fields and money of every citizen, as well as the persecution incidents.

Over time.

From morning to night, more than [-] officials were beheaded.

These are all Guo Xun's minions without exception.

"Yun Qing, it's almost here." Guan Yu said to Chen Peng who was busy.

Chen Peng stretched and let out a long breath: "It's finally over."

"Aren't Yun Qing afraid of offending those bureaucrats by doing this?" Guan Yu looked at Chen Peng worriedly and asked.

Chen Peng smiled and shook his head and said, "Big brother, in troubled times, those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world. If there are officials but no people, it's like a palace without beams. Sooner or later, it will collapse!"

Guan Yu suddenly realized: "Third brother Gao Yi, there will definitely be great achievements in the future!"

Chen Peng patted Guan Yu's shoulder with one hand and held Zhang Fei with the other.


"It will be a picture scroll of beautiful mountains and rivers, and it will be an era of competition!"


Chapter 050, Open warehouse, put food! (New book for flowers [1/5])

Chapter 050, Open warehouse, put food! (New book for flowers [1/5])

The news of the arrival of a Qingtian master in Jixian quickly spread among the people.

And more than [-] corrupt officials who were beheaded were all hung on the city gate to make dried meat.

Outside the east gate of Jixian County.

This is the second day after Chen Peng beheaded corrupt officials.

In the morning, countless people began to line up in long queues.

On the first day, Chen Peng had let out the wind.

Said that as long as there is evidence to show that their property has been occupied, and the property that has been occupied can all be returned.

Not only that, even if the land is not occupied and there is nothing to support the family, they can come here to claim food.

Moreover, Chen Peng also found tens of thousands of people who were hidden in the homes of more than [-] officials.

These people were all eliminated by him as slaves, and from now on they have some land of their own.

In fact, the requirements of the people are not high. As long as they can live and have a stutter, no one is willing to risk their lives to rebel.

After all, even if the rebellion wins, they still only have one bite to eat.

If you lose, you will risk your life.

So if there is a stable day, who is willing to rebel!

What Chen Peng wants is not only to give these people a stable life, but also to give them a home.

With a home, land, and family, these people will fight to protect their homeland.

Murder, stand up, and clear the way for his father, Chen Peng finished.

The next step is to open the warehouse and release the grain to win the hearts of the people.

From the dawn of the sky, Chen Peng has been busy until dark.

All the people took back their own land.

The people who were freed from slavery also had their own identity.

Standing in the crowd, Chen Peng looked down and hugged excitedly, and the people who were happy for his new life were also sincerely happy in his heart.

"Thank you, Master Qingtian, for giving us land and food!"

A grey-haired old man knelt on the ground.

Following the old man's kneeling, all the surrounding people began to kneel.

"Thank you, Master Qingtian, for giving us the land!"

"Thank you, Master Qingtian, for helping us avenge our grievances!"

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