After placing Chen Peng on the soft collapse, the two maids began to skillfully help Chen Peng take off his coat.

"Okay, you all go down, I'll do the rest myself." Zhen Jiang said to the two maids.

"Yes, Miss!"

The maid retired and closed the door when she walked out the door.

Zhen Jiang in the room helped Chen Peng take off his clothes one by one.

After finishing everything, Zhen Jiang, who was sweaty, wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to leave.

But just as he took a step.

A strong hand suddenly grabbed her hand.

Zhen Jiang, who was startled, turned around suddenly, just in time to see Chen Peng, who was lying on the soft collapse, looking at her with a smile.

As Chen Peng exerted his strength, Zhen Jiang was pulled into his arms with a squeak.

"'re not drunk, pretend."

Zhen Jiang, who clenched the corners of his mouth, did not dare to look at Chen Peng.

"I didn't pretend, but the beauty was too sober and woke me up in a dream."

While talking, Chen Peng sniffed the fragrance of Zhen Jiang's virginity greedily.

One hand also began to be dishonest.

It seemed that he had foreseen what would happen, and the well-behaved Zhen Jiang did not refuse.

"Also please... Please also ask your husband to take pity on Jiang Er."

With his eyes closed, Zhen Jiang said like a mosquito.

Then the moonlight that came in from the window, Chen Peng's eyes were full of brilliance!


Chapter 052, the raw rice is cooked before the mature rice is cooked! (New book for flowers [3/5])

Chapter 052, the raw rice is cooked before the mature rice is cooked! (New book for flowers [3/5])

A feast was held in the Zhen Family Manor.

The arrival of Chen Peng relieved the originally tense atmosphere.

The haze that has been constantly disturbed by the Yellow Turbans has been completely blown away.

After all the soldiers brought by Chen Peng entered the manor and were properly settled, Chen Peng, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu joined the banquet together.

"My son-in-law, come, I'll give you a toast."

Zhen Yi, who was sitting on the main seat at the banquet, raised the wine bowl.

Chen Peng also raised the wine bowl with a smile, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were sitting side by side with him, also raised the wine bowl together.

"I heard that my son-in-law broke the yellow turban in Youzhou, beheading tens of thousands of people, and Cheng Zhiyuan, the leader of the thief, annihilated the strongest yellow turban in Youzhou in one fell swoop. It is really heartwarming."

Zhen Yi said with a smile: "And the father of the virtuous son-in-law is also gratifying to take the lead of the governor of Youzhou this time. Of course, the virtuous son-in-law is in the position of Changshui Sima at this age. It's gone!"

Chen Peng smiled modestly: "All the credit is due to my two brothers, Peng dare not bow."

Zhen Yi raised a bowl at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: "Come on, I respect Yunqing and two generals!"

After speaking, Zhen Yi drank it all.

Putting down the wine bowl, there is naturally a maid to help pour the wine.

In this case, the female family members of Zhen Yi's family should not participate.

But Chen Peng asked Zhen Jiang to sit beside him.

At this time, Zhen Jiang, who was wearing a white skirt, sat beside Chen Peng like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law to help Chen Peng pour wine and vegetables.

Chen Peng is enjoying the service of his daughter-in-law Zhen Jiang with peace of mind.

"Yun Qing came to Jizhou this time, but was ordered by the imperial court to come to suppress the thieves?" Zhen Yi asked after putting down the wine bowl.

Chen Peng nodded: "Yes, the court ordered me to lead the army and Lu Zhonglang to reconcile."

"Yunqing, I heard that the battle between the left middle general and the right middle general did not go well. The Yellow Turbans from Runan and Yingchuan were arrogant and defeated two court officials and troops, and the Yellow Turban army was entrenched in Yecheng at this time. The main force, I'm afraid it's extremely dangerous, right?" Zhen Yi said worriedly.

Danger is definitely dangerous.

After all, that is Zhang Jiao's main force.

Moreover, Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun's attacks were frustrated and could not support Lu Zhi.

But Chen Peng is not worried.

There will soon be room for Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun to turn around, and Lu Zhi will also win the battle here.

All he has to do now is to give Zhang Jiao a fatal blow at a critical moment.

Then complete the copy task which is the most important.

Zhen Jiang, who was on the side, looked at Chen Peng with a worried look on his face after hearing this.

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