Chen Peng smiled at Zhen Jiang as a sign of comfort.

"It doesn't matter, it's not dangerous for a man to fight on the battlefield, but he is a hero from the turbulent times!" Chen Peng said loudly.

"it is good!"

Zhen Yi raised the wine bowl again.

"Then I will wish Yun Qing to kill the enemy and build a career in advance!"


Wine over three rounds of dishes over five flavors.

The moonlight outside is already high.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had returned to the camp to rest after the banquet had dispersed.

Even though they were at Zhen's Manor at this time, the two still had to live in the barracks to prevent them from being caught.

As for Chen Peng.

The identity of the son-in-law of the Zhen family is naturally to live in the Zhen family.

The two maids supported Chen Peng, who was slightly drunk, towards the residence that had been prepared for a long time.

In addition to the two maids, Zhen Jiang also took care of Chen Peng.

Since the last time, Zhen Jiang has been deeply rooted in love, and Chen Peng will definitely not marry in this life.

And she has long said that she regards herself as Chen Peng's woman.

With the tacit approval of his father and mother, Zhen Jiang came to take care of Chen Peng.

Two maids supported Chen Peng into the bedroom.

After placing Chen Peng on the soft collapse, the two maids began to skillfully help Chen Peng take off his coat.

"Okay, you all go down, I'll do the rest myself." Zhen Jiang said to the two maids.

"Yes, Miss!"

The maid retired and closed the door when she walked out the door.

Zhen Jiang in the room helped Chen Peng take off his clothes one by one.

After finishing everything, Zhen Jiang, who was sweaty, wiped the sweat from his forehead and turned to leave.

But just as he took a step.

A strong hand suddenly grabbed her hand.

Zhen Jiang, who was startled, turned around suddenly, just in time to see Chen Peng, who was lying on the soft collapse, looking at her with a smile.

As Chen Peng exerted his strength, Zhen Jiang was pulled into his arms with a squeak.

"'re not drunk, pretend."

Zhen Jiang, who clenched the corners of his mouth, did not dare to look at Chen Peng.

"I didn't pretend, but the beauty was too sober and woke me up in a dream."

While talking, Chen Peng sniffed the fragrance of Zhen Jiang's virginity greedily.

One hand also began to be dishonest.

It seemed that he had foreseen what would happen, and the well-behaved Zhen Jiang did not refuse.

"Also please... Please also ask your husband to take pity on Jiang Er."

With his eyes closed, Zhen Jiang said like a mosquito.

Then the moonlight that came in from the window, Chen Peng's eyes were full of brilliance!


Chapter 053, Gongsun Zan's slander (new book for flowers [4/5])

Chapter 053, Gongsun Zan's slander (new book for flowers [4/5])

After the Julu Uprising, Zhang Jiao's uprising army swept through Anping, Qinghe, and Zhao County all the way, and then pressed against Wei County.

Zhang Jiao's purpose was to govern the city of Ye in Jizhou.

Only after taking Yecheng, Zhang Jiao's Yellow Turban army could look across the river from Luoyang.

It's just that Zhang Jiao's plan was broken and suspended after the arrival of Lu Zhi's army.

Zhang Jiao, who was madly attacking the city, was forced to turn around and form a siege.

More than a hundred thousand troops surrounded Ye City with water.

On the other hand, Lu Zhi's subordinates only had less than [-] troops, and only with these soldiers Lu Zhi knew that he was invincible against Zhang Jiao.

Therefore, after going all the way north, Lu Zhi recruited soldiers from the villages whenever he could counties and counties.

As a result, he had come all the way from Luoyang at this time, and he also had an army of nearly [-] people.

It's just that more than half of the [-] troops are recruits.

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