Gongsun Zan looked behind Chen Peng with mocking eyes.

Chen Peng also seemed to be aware of the gaze behind him, and suddenly turning his head, he locked his gaze on Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei.

It must be one of the two.

I'm afraid that someone is saying bad things about Lu Zhi's side.

Chen Peng narrowed his eyes.

Better not let him know who it is.

if not.......

Turning his head, Chen Peng cupped his hands again at Lu Zhi and said, "Since subordinates enter the army, they will naturally abide by the military regulations, please rest assured Lu Zhonglang, if Chen Peng violates the military regulations at all, there is no need for Lu Zhonglang. If you take action, Chen Peng will understand."

Lu Zhi, who was sitting in the main seat, took a deep breath.

After hearing Chen Peng's assurance, Lu Zhi's expression softened a little.

"Okay, I would have liked you to say, do it!"

"Sit down, let's discuss how to deal with Zhang Jiao's main force of the Yellow Turbans today!"

Lu Zhi waved at Chen Peng and others.

In addition to Lu Zhi, there were also members of the Huan Zhonglang general who protected the Wuwu and several lieutenants of Lu Zhi.

Although Chen Peng is only the Sima of Changshui now, but he takes the post of Captain of Changshui on behalf of him, so his position is not at the back.

In addition to his identity of the Yingchuan Chen family, many people in Lu Zhi's camp were kind to him.

And Chen Peng also responded one by one.

Seeing this scene, Gongsun Zan felt even more uncomfortable.

"What's so great, if it's not the name of the Yingchuan Chen Clan, it's just a stubby, hum!"

Gongsun Zan snorted in dissatisfaction.

As Lu Zhi's disciples, he and Liu Bei were also in the tent at this time, but they were at the end.

The dissatisfied Gongsun Zan complained to Liu Bei next to him.

"Xuande, if you and I gain power in the future, we must make these scholars in the world bow to their knees." Gongsun Zan stared at Chen Peng, who was like a moon held by everyone.

Liu Bei, who was beside Gongsun Zan, nodded.

The emotions in his eyes are complicated.

"Okay, be quiet."

Lu Zhi stood up and pointed to the map behind the many generals in the army tent and said:

"Our army has been here for a few days. Although the Yellow Turbans have not moved yet, I believe that Zhang Jiao will not let us threaten his flank here."

"Within a few days' time, he will definitely lead his troops here, so today's gathering of generals is mainly to discuss how to deal with the enemy army!"

Lu Zhi stood in front of everyone and said.


Chapter 055, Chen Peng's offer (new book for flowers [1/5])

Chapter 055, Chen Peng's offer (new book for flowers [1/5])

Lu Zhi summoned all the generals in the army to gather in the camp, mainly to discuss how to deal with the three brothers Zhang Jiao.

So after hearing Lu Zhi's words, everyone started to think.

The first person to stand up and speak was the general guard of Huan Zhonglang.

"Lu Zhonglang, the imperial court assigned us to deal with Zhang Jiao's main force. Although our army has gathered more than [-] people along the way, the actual combat effectiveness is not strong, and the real combat troops are only about [-]."

"The number of the Yellow Turban thieves is more than a hundred thousand, and this is Zhang Jiao's main battlefield, and he will be greeted by a million troops, so I think it is not easy for us to confront the thieves head-on at this time. Threats should prevail."

The sect member, who looked to be in his thirties, stood up with one hand on the saber at his waist and said.

His words were recognized by many generals.

In fact, the main reason was the defeat of the two armies, Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun, which made everyone feel fearful of the Yellow Turbans.

However, Chen Peng didn't see any fearful expression on Lu Zhi's face.

Gongsun Zan, who was sitting in the last row, also stood up at this time.

"Teacher, I think Sounakarou is right!"

Gongsun Zan continued: "As long as our army does not directly contact Zhang Jiao's main force, and one team threatens his flank, then Zhang Jiao will never be able to attack the city with all his strength."

"Wait until the imperial army has wiped out the outer yellow turbans, and then they can merge, and then annihilate the yellow turbans with one blow!"

Gongsun Zan clenched his fists and said.

Hearing Gongsun Zan's voice, the generals in the account all turned to look at Gongsun Zan.

In fact, most of the people still rushed to Gongsun Zan's teacher.

And Gongsun Zan also enjoyed the feeling of being noticed by everyone.

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