It's a pity that Gongsun Zan didn't realize what Lu Zhi was thinking.

"The army is all commensurate with official positions. There are no teachers, students or disciples. You should sit down first."

Lu Zhi said to Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan, who had been in the spotlight just a second ago, was suppressed by Lu Zhi the next second, and he felt a little dissatisfied in his heart.

But he didn't dare to show it, so he did it obediently.

Lu Zhi's eyes began to swipe across the many generals in the camp.

"It seems that everyone's opinions are very unified? They all avoid fighting and wait for the court reinforcements, right?" Lu Zhi asked.

More than half of them nodded slightly.

The other half, on the other hand, seemed to be thinking.

However, Lu Zhi already knew it in his heart.

It seems that the morale of the army is not available at this time.

In fact, his original idea was to avoid fighting and waiting for reinforcements from the imperial court.

But the defeat of Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun made him understand one thing, it is very likely that he can't wait for the reinforcements from the court.

The war in the Yingchuan generation of Runan is not clear, and Zhang Jiao will never let him threaten.

Will definitely take the initiative to attack, a war is inevitable.

If you avoid and don't fight, then... if you don't talk about whether there will be gossip in the DPRK.

The morale blow alone was enough to make his newly assembled new army collapse.

But what about war?

how to stand?

Lu Zhi had a headache, and he couldn't think of any way for a few days.

And that is when Lu Zhi had a headache, a figure stood up when everyone sank.


Chen Peng spat out a word.

In an instant, all eyes in the camp were focused on Chen Peng.

Lu Zhi, who was sitting on the main seat, also looked at Chen Peng: "What did you say?"

"Report to Lu Zhonglang, the subordinate said, war."

"Avoiding and not fighting can only cause the new army to collapse. The stronger the enemy is, we only have one battle!" Chen Peng said decisively.

"Fight? How to fight?"

Before Lu Zhi could speak, the general guard Huan Zhonglang spoke up.

"The enemy's army exceeds [-], while our army is only [-]. The [-]-odd are still new troops. How to fight?" Zong Yuan looked at Chen Peng and asked.

Chen Peng's name has also been heard by the clan members.

What attacked the Yellow Turbans at night, what attacked Cheng Zhiyuan in an array.

In the eyes of the clan members, these are nothing but boasting, and the nobles brag to each other.

The clan members who actually killed him with one shot and one shot thought that Chen Peng was nothing more than an appearance, and it was okay to get credit in the army.

Really let him make plans and keep sending the whole army?

And the sect members are not afraid of the name of the Yingchuan Chen family.

Just a Chen Peng, he can't represent the Yingchuan Chen Clan.

Gongsun Zan pouted, "It's just over your own strength."

Bursts of whispered discussions resounded in the tent.

On the other hand, Chen Peng's face was like a still water, and he didn't make any waves.

Lu Zhi, who was sitting in the first seat, looked at Chen Peng with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Zhan is what he thinks in his heart, of course, if this Chen Peng is not doing something out of the ordinary to show off, he is willing to listen.

In the face of the questioning of the clan member, Chen Peng did not rush to answer, but first cupped his hands at the clan member, and then saluted all the generals in the camp!

"The boy is the youngest here, and the people's words are slight. If there is anything offended or missing, please also ask your uncles, brothers and brothers to take care of him."

"Chen Peng is here to apologize to everyone."

Chen Peng said while salute everyone.

Everyone hurriedly returned their gifts.

As the saying goes, don't slap people in the face, since Chen Peng wants to say something different from everyone else, he can't isolate people.

After all, being isolated in the military is a very dangerous thing in itself.

"Yun Qing has something to say, you and my colleagues, there is nothing to say."

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